Diya has needs !

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🎶 Unthinkable by Alicia Keys 🎶

Ice pov
Ice phone rings, it's his grandmother talking fast and unclear.

"He got into a fight and was stabbed, they say he's in critical condition." She was breathing heavy, her sniffles indicated she'd been crying.
Ice pulled in his driveway and parked.

"Who? Slow down grandma. Who is he?"
Ice tried to calm her down .

"Your dad son. He was attacked and it isn't looking too good." She said between sobs Ice rubbed his hand down his face frustrated .

"Okay, just breathe grandma. You prayed already? I mean that's all we can really do, we can't go see him right?" Ice asked a rhetorical question.

"Yes. I prayed and God will see him through. I just hate to think after all these years, with no problems now all of sudden this happens. I'm just scared is all." She cried.

"I know. I will be over there first thing in the morning, so we can call up there and see what we can do." He promised her.

"Okay baby, I love you goodnight."

"I love you too, night." Ice hung up the phone and called Tate but he saw a car pull up behind him and he noticed it was Diya.

Tate answered. "What up?"

"Some suspicious shit going on, but Diya just pulled in, so I will hit you up later," Ice spoke low.

"Aight." They hung up.

Ice slowly stepped out his car and Diya was already coming up behind him. He missed her.

"You coming in?" He turned his head towards her making his way towards his apartment.

"Yes, I brought some pull pork sandwiches from my job, you hungry?" She lifted up the take out bag, following close on his heels.

Ice rubbed his stomach." Hell yeah! come on."

He unlocked his front door, thinking his dads attack was his sins. His grandma was right, after being in prison for 5 years and now trouble had paid him a visit. Who was he kidding? He knew it was finally time to visit his dad and this was a day he dreaded. He felt he owed his father a warning, because Milton was out for blood. Literally.

Ice hurried to his room, quickly putting his gun in a Nike shoe box, pushing it to the back of the closet. Diya would flip if she knew he kept one in the house with Ivory there. She knew of his life in the streets, yet had the slightest idea, just how deep he had gotten. Most importantly, how much deeper he was willing to go.

Diya was already sitting on the couch, eating her sandwich when he entered the living room. He changed into grey sweat pants, a white t-shirt and his Nike slides. The stories about grey sweats were no myth, she could indeed see an imprint. He grabbed his sandwich and stretched out on the couch beside her.

"What's up fat lip, long time no see." He bit into his sandwich.

"You're the one to talk, since you got your little girlfriend, I barely get a text. You don't even ask me to watch Ivory. I do miss her." She scoffed.

"Diya, I just figured we needed space, things were just feeling a little awkward lately. I didn't know how else to handle it." He continued devouring his sandwich. He was referring to the kiss. The hot, unforgettable kiss, that almost costed Diya her virginity. He shook the thought from his head.

"So, you don't deny Tasha's your girlfriend?" She placed her food on the coffee table.

"I don't entertain false statements, but she cool. I mean, I do like her, if that's what you're asking?" He finished his sandwich licking his finger tips.

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