"best daughter."

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Diya noticed an unknown text from someone and she opened it.

Unknown: Hey girlie it's Selest

Diya had forgotten all about the strange customer and she wanted to discuss it with Ice. She also thought about telling her mom but maybe Kim was right, maybe she just had the hots for her.

Diya: Hey just out shopping. I have a movie night with my mom. How are you?
Diya continued checking out at the register.
Her phone vibrated once more .

Selest: Ok cool. I will probably be in town for a couple weeks visiting my friend
I love this place
You think we can link?

Diya was careful before replying. She wasn't sure about accepting this invitation, she knew she'd invite Kim to tag along.

Diya: Sure is it okay if Kim comes?
Diya exits the store Cheyenne waved her down in the parking lot.

Selest: Yes sure I would love that! C U 2mrw!

Diya: Cool ☺️

Cheyenne reversed and they headed home. When they were finally home and situated they curled up on the couch together, with a big soft furry blanket and a huge bowl of popcorn and chocolate. They both decided to binge watch "Grey's Anatomy" .

" Mcdreamy just stop playing with Addison and get with Meredith." Diya screamed at the television. Cheyenne smiled weakly.

"I guess Shelia could say the same thing to your father about me." Her mom chuckled.

Diya looked at her mom feeling terrible for rooting on the mistress.

"Mom, well it's different with you, you never cheated on dad, so in your case of course dad should choose you. Derrick would have never cheated on Addison if she didn't cheat first. Derrick is a good man." Diya defended Derrick, bashing her father.

Cheyenne laid Diyas head on her shoulder.
"Baby it is not your job to lift me up, you are my child. I know lately I have made you feel otherwise, but if you would give me one last chance. I promise I will work on myself. Honey regardless of what I'm personally going through, It's not your fault. You are the very best daughter anyone could ask for. I love you." Diya hugged  her mom tight.

"Thank you mom .. hear come the tears." They both laughed.

"So how is Ice and Gam and that adorable little Ivory? I haven't seen her in awhile everything okay between you two love birds? You said something about you both haven't been hanging out." Her mom teased. Diya rolled her eyes .

"Mom you know Ice and I are only friends, why won't anyone believe us?" Diya shoved a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

"Tell yourself whatever you must, to persuade your mind he is just a friend. I'm sure your heart is having a really good laugh. Diya you and that young man have loved one another since the day we saw him at the hospital. You were laying in the bed with me and you saw him walking by crying, about his mom. You jumped down from that hospital bed and ran to give him a hug, he stopped crying instantly. You two were stuck to each other like glue since." Her mom reminded her of that day.

Diya thought back on that memory.
What her mom didn't know is that memory is also one that haunts her, because they were there to have her moms stomach pumped from an overdose.

"His mom, from what little I knew about her, she was special. I think God may have even spent a little extra time making her. She was pure, you know you're like that, pure. It's like you have a golden heart almost. That may be the reason he is so drawn to you." Cheyenne squeezed Diyas shoulder. Diya shivered at such a huge comparison.

"Mom?" Diya tried to build up enough courage to tell her mom she remembers the exact reason they were at the hospital that night .

"Yes sweetie?" But now looking up at her mom as she watches the television. She seemed at peace, she truly appeared happy.

"More popcorn?" Diya handed her mom the bowl of popcorn and she took a handful. Diya couldn't ruin tonight by making her mom have to revisit such a dark place, when she was working so hard to stay in the light.

Whatever it was that would cause her mom to harm herself or fall into into deep depression at times. Maybe Diya would never know. Maybe that was okay, as long as she could help her mom get past it. She would always be here for her mother no matter what.

How many of you have parents who are sort of dependent on you ? I know it can be hard when you just want to be a kid .

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