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Zeus let his seat back and placed his gun on his right thigh, resting his hand on top of it .
"Just keep driving and be cool." He instructed her.

Diya just nodded .

"Diya huh? The infamous woman that holds the key to Ice's heart, well you are a major key. There's his precious seed of course ." He smiled .

" She has nothing to do with any of this, just keep your focus on me." Diya grabbed his attention.

"I'm not interested in hurting his daughter. You will do." He sized her.

"Are you planning on killing me ?" She asked .

"Eventually, but as of now I just want a message delivered." He looked away .

" And?" She was anxious. Relived she wouldn't die today.

"If Quakes doesn't tell his men to back down and stop following me, I will not hesitate to kill everyone close to him. I just want to move on with my life, in a new location without looking over my shoulders ." Zeus picked the gun up and aimed it at Diya's knee. Then he moved it to her stomach, then her breast he continued up towards her face . Diya was shaking badly at this point .

"I will let them know, now please are you done?" Her voice shaky .

"I like you, Diya. Can I have a kiss?" He asked.

"I don't think that is necessary," She was uncomfortable.

Zeus laughed. "It wasn't a request. Pull over there and put the car in park .

Diya hand was shaking as she turned the steering wheel and drove to this trail between some trees. She put the car in park. Zeus ran his hand up her back and grabbed a handful of her hair tightly, forcing her head backwards. She cried out in pain. Zeus ran his other hand from her lips, down her neck, in between her breast, stopping at her belly button.

" Mmm mmm mmm ." His face was now against hers. Diya's phone rung making Zeus stop as tears now ran down her face . Zeus looked down at her phone and it was Ice calling .

" Ahh ha, look at that, right on time. Go ahead answer." He gave her the phone .

She took a deep breath and answered.
" Hello?"

" You left your hair bag over here." He sounded annoyed.

"K ." She didn't want him to hear her crying .

"You aight?" He was concerned .

" Yep."

" Look, I wasn't trying to be a asshole but you need to chill out. You never act the way I saw you today. Kim your family and I appreciate you being here for me but you can't throw stuff like that up in my face. If you here it's cause you choose, you should never feel obligated. Look, my bad if I hurt your feelings but shit I'm human too. You know how I am about respect, it's a two way street." He rambled on.

"It's cool ." Her voice almost cracked.

"That's all you have to say? Well I tried, look your stuff here, bye ." He hung up.

"Having boyfriend problems?" Zeus put his gun away and stepped out the car. "
I'll be in touch and maybe you know, we can finish where we left off."
He winked at her .

Zeus walked back to the car he got out of, the driver opened his door and let him in. When he rode by her, his window was cracked and he blew a kiss. When Diya could no longer see the car in sight, she opened her car door and started gasping for air. She had never been so frightened in her life, she knew she was having a panic attack . She could not stop her body from shaking, she couldn't catch her breath. She just knew her lungs were collapsing.

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