"Leave me to drown"

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Coby swept up big chunks of broken glass and wiped wine and liquor spills off the wall. He slept in the guess room. Cheyenne hadn't left the master bedroom room since last night.

The words "the child needs help" lingered in his mind. Maybe his mother in law was right. How much longer could everyone ignore the fact that Cheyenne was a drunk and possibly mentally ill, In fear of hurting her feelings? He was convinced that this problem had become bigger than him and he was unable to help her alone.

Coby would sit down with Diya, it was time for an intervention. Diya may be upset with him at the moment but her mother was drowning and they must try to throw her a life jacket.

He thought about calling Shelia but felt guilty after their last encounter and he felt it wasn't fair . He did need her at times like these, he started to call but he stopped. He had stomped on her heart more than enough and he should just let her be, but a call came in and it read ....

Shelia calling...Coby just smiled.
Shelia always knew when to call .

"My saving grace...I need to hear your voice."
He closed his eyes imagining her warm smile.

"Hello Coby. I was hoping maybe you can stop by later and we could talk about everything. I was just so emotional and angry, losing sight of what was important. With everything going on your wife does need you and you need me and I'm here because I love you." She told him.

"I love you too and it's nice to have a shoulder to lean on. I will definitely come over tonight and you know I'm sorry." They said their goodbyes and hung up.

Cheyenne came out the room with her hair traveling in different directions. She grabbed a glass and went over to the refrigerator for some water. She watched the housekeeper clean her mess up.

"I didn't hurt my mom did I?" She asked concerned.

"Not physically. Although, seeing you like that may have hurt her emotionally," Coby was honest.

"She wouldn't leave me alone...always blaming
me for everything. She acts like I was never allowed to make a mistake. It's like she hates me for not being perfect."Cheyenne sipped some water.

" Who is Chey? But why are you so unhappy? What can we all do?" He turned to her begging for understanding.

"Nothing! All of you should just stay far away. I'm just broken and no matter how hard I try, I can't put myself back together. Just leave me to drown in my own misery and guilt." She cried.

Coby massaged his temples. "You don't have to be depressed and feel like you're suffocating and theirs no way out. Let me help you." He begged Cheyenne but she was quiet.

"I can't help you if I'm unclear as to exactly what's bothering you." He tried again.

"Perhaps not fucking the maid would of worked for starters." She rolled her eyes.

Coby dropped his head.

"Then it's her...I dream of her everyday. I imagine what she would look like, talk like, walk like...hell smell like. I guess around her birthday the pain is greater." She wiped her eyes. "It's harder to indulge."

"The pain will never go away and it's not suppose to, but we have to move forward. We have to simply because it's just not healthy to feed into depression, not for to long. Diya will be leaving for college soon, she she can't handle another episode. She would never go if she thought you were capable of harming yourself again. "Coby paused.

"Chey...she deserves to go off to college and have the true experience, without feeling guilty like she's leaving you in a hard time. We can fix whatever it is we need to."

Coby lifted Cheyenne's chin. "Something is going on with her and she is our daughter also. She should know we love her just as..." He lowered his head before continuing his sentence.

" as much as the daughter we never knew. We have to release her, we have to release them." Cheyenne pressed her head into Coby's chest sobbing. His last words cut her like a knife and the truth was a hard pill to swallow.

"God I agree! Diya is so amazing and I'm so proud of her. It's not her fault she has to deal with a heart she didn't break and one she could never fix." She was now sobbing uncontrollably. She hugs herself and harshly rubs her arms up and down.

Coby picked her up and carries her to the shower inside their bedroom. He stripped her down to her bra and panties and turned the shower on. He stripped down to his briefs and climbed inside with her, holding her from behind as she cried. That was the only way she dealt with her panic attacks. 

"Breathe baby breathe. I'm right here, just breathe." He tried soothing her.

When he was sure she had calmed down he changed her into some dry clothes. He fixed her some food and brought it to her with some hot tea. Coby kissed her forehead .

"I will be back shortly. Diya should be home soon." He checked his watch. Cheyenne smiled and he closed the door gently behind him and exhaled.

Her panic attacks had lessened over the years and he had to learn how to calm her down on his own. Just being there always was the best medicine. He grabbed his keys off the counter and left .

He had to get to Shelia .

Should he leave his wife in a time like this ?
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