Stop Him

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Coby was seated at the restaurant waiting for Shelia and when she walked in he could see her baby bump. It was certain she was with child. Once she was near the table, he stood up pulling out her chair and she sat down.

"Thank you." She smiled at him.

"You look nice." He complimented hers.

"You do also." She returned the compliment.

"Order anything you want," Coby got the waiters attention.

"Okay, you know I will order the lamb chops my favorite." She was still smiling as the waiter took her menu.

"I take it you got the Steak?" She sipped her water.

"You are correct." He sipped his drink.

"I'm so glad you decided to see me, I was beginning to think I would have to turn up the heat." Shelia leaned over the table so he could get a better view of her cleavage.

"Shelia, I'm only here in hopes that we can come to a middle ground. I will be here for my child and every way possible, for any of his needs. Just for my child though, you and I are over, I'm serious. I was hoping we could discuss joint custody?" He suggested.

Shelia begin choking a little on her water. " Joint custody? What, so you and your wife can raise my son? You want him calling her mom? I decline," She was upset now.

" It's only a suggestion, but I feel like you and I have to have some type of agreement, to keep the confusion down." He spoke calmly.

" Who is confused Coby? This is our son, we made him. Make no mistake I am his mother ." She argued .

" Who can take that from you Shelia ? I know you are his mother and I'm not trying to take him away from you." He attempted to calm her .

" Oh Good because I would fight you with everything in me ." She was giving him a evil stare down .

" Shelia, you can never come by my house like you did last week , it was unacceptable and a bit psychotic. You can't keep dangling this pregnancy over my wife's head like some token." He buttered his bread.

" Well when were you going to tell her ?" She buttered her bread as well.

" That wasn't any of your business, but you knew what you were doing . Shelia it's that kind of thinking is why we would of never worked ." He admitted.

" No we wouldn't work, because you couldn't grab your big boy balls and confess to your drunken wife, that you were in love with me ." She shot back .

" She knows I love you actually." He took a bite of his bread.

Shelia was speechless. " She does and you do?"

" She asked and I said yes, as complicated as that might sound , but you were there for me always. You were always loyal to me and never neglected me. So yes for that I do love you." He looked at her and she was smiling again.

" Well Coby I don't know what to say ." She fanned her eyes .

" Shelia that doesn't mean I'm in love with you, see you don't understand the difference. I have known Cheyenne since we were kids and we have a lot of history. Cheyenne knows me better than I know myself, she is my soulmate. You are someone who I was suppose to cross paths with, maybe as a good friend, but nothing more. I enjoyed the times we spent together and I will never forget them ..."

" Oh meaning when I was keeping your bed warm when she wasn't ? When I was giving you blowjobs in the office when you had a long day ?" She interrupted him.

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