Always her

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His hands were warm as they caressed Diyas thighs, he placed deep kisses on her waist and she trembled beneath his finger tips. He made a trail of kisses all the way up to her lips, now staring into her eyes. Diya watched as he wiped the sweat from his forehead, she was sweating also, her hair stuck to her face.

"Now that's round two baby and that's all I have to give." He plopped down beside her as she laughed.

"Ugh...Ice shut up, acting like I'm an addict or something." Diya rolled her eyes.

"Well, these last few weeks you have been an animal. You want it front, back, sideways, the kitchen, shower, car, and I ain't complaining, but damn." He placed his hands behind his head.

"You can't handle it?" She was now facing him.

"Don't make Rocky come out of retirement, because I will have you apologizing for that comment." He said with confidence.

She sat up and kissed his lips. " I would see if you really about that life, but I have to get to class." She hopped up and he smacked her butt.

"Love you Fat lip !" He yelled.

" Love you too." She turned the shower on.

Living with Ice had been amazing and she wish she made this decision sooner. Things were peaceful here and not complicated. Since she was living with him now, she got to see Ivory a lot more and that was the best. Maybe she could have the life and parents Diya dreamed of. She was such a beautiful girl, she deserved it.

Diya's mom was still hiatus, her dad made several attempts to call but she just ignored him. Selest returned home, but mentioned moving back this way permanently some time next year. She loved the thought of her sister being within walking distance, whenever she needed her. Diya's mom had her grandmother cremated and ordered for Diya to do with the ashes as she pleased. Diya had them spread into the river where they use to go when she was little. She knew her mom thought her grandmother was evil, and after her confessions in that hospital bed, Diya wasn't so sure she wasn't. Her grandmother was certainly not a good person, but Diya hope she worked that out with God.

She loved being in school and even though it was only a state college, it was a step towards building her career. She decided to be a ultrasound technician, she wouldn't have to go to school for very long. Ice was very encouraging and always keeping her level headed and on her toes. She loved that he pushed her, especially days when she grew weary. Those days cave more often than she'd care to admit. Finally, it felt like her life was moving in the right direction. Finally, she knew what unconditional love was, what it was like for someone to show it 100% of the time.  It was almost too good to be true. Why wasn't she able to accept good things? Her parents had really done a number on her.

Ice was happy to have Diya living with him. The thought of knowing he would wake up and go to sleep to her face every day and night made his heart smile. The small apartment felt complete with her there, her laughter filled the air. The smell of her scent trapped into his pillows and sheets, was refreshing. He would watch her as she read to Ivory at night, bringing back memories from his own childhood. Creating memories of their own.

Ice decided to walk away from the streets for good. Also with some of the money him and his dad were planning on going into business together. Now that they no longer had to watch their backs, because Zeus was serving life in prison.

Turns out the cops had already been watching Zeus and before he could make his way to save his family,  they pulled him over. Well they tried to. He instructed his driver to take them on a high speed chase, they were shooting at the cops, who returned fire. Long story short, they shot out his tires, the car flipped, he ended up with broke ribs and a neck. He's permanently paralyzed.

Quakes was upset because he wanted him dead, but some revenges aren't ours. Ice thought it was better he was forced to rot in prison and suffer thinking about all the wrong he did. There were so many things that took place the last year and years before that. Ice was glad it was all over. His daughter could grow up and have a normal life with people who loved her.

Ice opened the small velvet case and admired the diamond ring he purchased for Diya . He couldn't wait to propose to her, the same day his dad proposed to his mom 25 years ago. It's Diya and was always her, and it would always be her. He didn't want to waste anymore time and he wouldn't.

                            The End

Yes people we have come to the end of the road with Whole Truth . I hope you all enjoyed this up and down roller coaster with me . This book has challenged me and so have you all, but for the better . I hope you checkout my three book or just follow more stories I write in the future !!

Thank you all ❤️ Please Comm my and vote and you forgot to do it with other chapters , please revisit them 🙏🏽

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