Three Weeks

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When it was Diya's turn to view the body Selest and Kim joined her. Her body was trembling and she felt nauseous at once. She stopped when she was close enough to the casket that she could see the body, but not the face. She pulled back. Her feet felt like they were stuck in cement.

"No, I can't do it ..." Kim hugged her.

"Shhh okay, you don't have to." Kim and Selest held her up as they turned from the body and assisted Diya outside where she vomited everywhere. Kim and Selest rubbed her back .

Tate came from behind them with his handkerchief and handed it to Diya, to wipe her eyes as he tried to hide the tears in his own.
They all stood around her, everyone quiet. What were they all suppose to say? How were they all suppose to comfort one another?

"He was so young man, this shit ain't right!" Tate unbuttoned his top button to his dress shirt as if he couldn't breathe.

Kim held her mouth sobbing now." And Zeus is still out there, he could be anywhere, anyone of us could be next." Kim hugged herself.

"Ice tried his best to make sure we were all safe but ...." Tate didn't finish as he glared at Diya who was staring back at him.

Hearing his name sent shivers through her spine. She thought about how he'd just confessed his undying love for her, life wasn't fair. They were finally a couple. Free to love each other openly but he could no longer be with her. The sky turned grey, as the clouds covered the sun inviting rain to fall, washing Diyas Mascara from her eyes. Well the rest of what her tears didn't remove. She lifted her head towards the sky and let the raindrops sting her face. If only the rain could wash her away as well. If only this entire thing was a terrible nightmare.

Later that evening she barricaded herself into her currently dark and gloomy room. There were clothes everywhere hiding the floor and the ones on the bed she push to the side. Diya kicked off her shoes and climbed under her covers. She unlocked her phone and clicked on the images, smiling when she saw Ice pictures. Then instantly feeling depressed. It had been three weeks since she saw his smile and her heart wanted to stop beating.

She remembered seeing his body stretched out on that hospital bed, blood everywhere. It was a scene from a gory horror movie. Diya pulled the pillow on top of her face and screamed into it.

"Bring him back to me please!" The pillow now damp from her tears. "Please," She begged.

There was a knock on her door, she knew it was her mom. Why won't she just leave her alone.

"Honey?" Her mother's voice soft .

Diya turned on her side not answering.

"I just wanted to say .... I love you, your father and I are here for you. Diya baby also try to eat something today." She could hear her mom heels clinking against the floor as she walked away.

Her parents had been supportive for the last few weeks. They'd also tried their best to not show to much public affection towards one another. Her parents had found their old flame and she was happy, but her happiness was taken from her. She held him for a minute and now his touch was a distant memory. It wasn't right that her parents had to pretend they weren't madly in love because of what she was dealing with. Although she greatly appreciated their consideration of her broken heart.

She felt her eyelids getting heavy as she slowly drifted off to sleep .

Oh No!!! Funeral 😢😢😢

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