" Coby! Coby ! Coby !"

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" So you purchase your product from Ice and he's even recruited you two to move the product for him?"
Zeus offered the two nervous boys a drink. They gulped it down fast and spit it out choking. Zeus laughed.

"I thought you were men! Would you prefer some apple juice?" They wiped their mouths and shook their heads.

"Listen boys, I gave Ice an order not to sell in this town anymore, but you two are proof that he is deliberately disobeying my orders." Zeus walked around with his drink in his hand .

" I won't tolerate this, he is sending a clear message that he doesn't respect me and I must retaliate." The boys looked at Zeus then at each other with fear in their eyes.

" Young men, have you ever seen a dead body?" They shook their heads quickly.

" Good, good because it would be an honor to be the first to show you one." Zeus nodded to his bodyguard. He disappeared swiftly.

" Come stand by me, you should have front row seats." The bodyguard returned dragging a guy in by his feet. He was badly beaten to the point of being unrecognizable. The boys turned their head covering their mouths. One of them gagged on the verge of vomiting.

" Oh no, you should see this, because I want you to be able to describe in precise detail, how this little thief dies. Now, if that doesn't send chills up his spine, come here lean in close." He placed his hands on the boys shoulders and looked into their eyes.

" Mention that the unlucky son of bitch was my cousin." The boys eyes were wide. Zeus motioned for his bodyguard to take the body away.

" That's right boys, Zeus shows no mercy! Although, Thanksgiving is going to be awkward this year at Auntie Marina's and then I have to help look for him, and have his body spontaneously surface. I will have to sit front row at the funeral." Zeus pinched his nosed, frustrated. "Oh well,"


Coby Pov
He sat on Shelias couch, twirling the extra key she had made between his fingers. The door opened and she saw him seated on the couch. She smiled, rushing towards him, she jumped into his lap knocking him back.

"God I missed you! I'm mad at you but I miss you so much." He smiled weakly pulling her back and sitting her beside him. He then stood . She looked at him confused.

" Okay, not the exact reaction I was hoping for , "She stood up walking closer to him, she threw her arms around his neck, but he peeled her arms off him.

" Okay, Coby what's your problem? Wifey had another breakdown? What, do you need more time?" She rambled on .

"No, actually I don't need anymore time." He finally spoke. Her smile was wider than he ever saw it and he knew she wasn't following him .

"You mean this is it? You told her? Is it done? Wow Coby this is the greatest night of my life... well one of them. I mean you still have to propose and then when we get pregnant and buy a house together.."

" .. I'm staying with my wife." He interrupted her.

She instantly stopped talking . " I didn't hear you what ?"

"I said I'm staying with my wife." Shelia grabbed her chest and sat down on the couch .

Coby kneeled in front of her. " I love you, listen to me, I love you. If it wasn't for you I would have never made it through these last few years of my life. I never intended to hurt you ." Shelia hit her forehead repeatedly.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid what was I thinking? My mom told me, Lia they never leave the wife'." Coby dropped his head to her knee, planting kisses on them.

"We believed for so long we lost our first daughter. We recently found out that she has been alive this entire time. Shelia, that's what was upsetting my wife all these years, but our daughter came back to us. We thought she was dead ."He was smiling up at her, but her face was cold.

"Get your ass out of my house now." Coby thought clearly she hasn't heard his testimony.

"Shelia did you hear me? We thought my daughter had died but turns out.." Shelia stood up marching towards the door .

"I said leave!" Coby stood up and walked towards her . He went to leave but stopped .

"I'm not good enough for you ." When he was outside the door she attacked him, she was screaming and jumping on him. He finally took her arms and pinned her to the door .

" Stop it! I was always taken Shelia! I was never yours! Now you have a right to be hurt, but take some fucking responsibility. That woman gave you a job when you were sleeping in your car. It was me who disagreed to let you live in our home and look how we almost destroyed her. I have looked the man in the mirror and he was horrifying, but for that woman who has been putting up with my mess and still is willing to love me. Then I will face him every single time. Bye, I'm going home to my family and thank God that I still can ."

When he let her go and started walking off, she wrapped her arms around her stomach like someone had stabbed her and cried out . " Coby ! Coby ! Coby!" He kept walking until her voice grew faint then completely disappeared.

So many things going on in this chapter . Please share how you feel 😩

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