" man up"

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Diya set at the bar with Kim's blanket wrapped around her. Kim was yelling at some guy about spilling beer all over the floor.

" I knew your grandmother was the wicked witch of the south, but to sign your sister away to a total stranger. And tell your parents it was best for them. Sorry that had to be the most selfish thing a grandmother could do. Grandmothers are suppose to be the glue that holds families together, not the reason they're torn apart." Diya sipped her sprite as Kim rambled on .


When he entered The Saussie Pig and was coming up behind Diya, Kim's eyes met his. Kim shook her head implying it wasn't good. She had already called Ice and explained everything about Selest, he dropped everything he was doing and rushed over.

He took Diyas hand and lead her in the back . " What are you doing? I don't want to go with you right now Ice ." He set her down in the managers chair, put his keys and phone down on the desk and pulled up a chair beside her.

" First, I would like to say it really is messed up what Mrs. Patty did. I wish I was there to comfort you. I would also like to say even though I have been dealing with a lot on my plate. I should have still made sure everything was good with you,like I always have. I'm not doing anything today or going anywhere until I know you're okay."

Diya head was down as she twiddled her thumbs chewing on the side of her mouth. Ice leaned back in the chair and sighed heavily. He then checked his watch .

" Ice I'm dating now and I really like the guy . No you haven't been here, he has so I'm not sure what you are expecting to hear me say. I have nothing." Diya finally looked at him.

" I know you are , so who is he?"

Ice pretended to be interested. He was annoyed. He knew she was occupied lately, but he would have never guessed this was the reason .

" Of course, out of everything I just said, that was the only part you caught. You probably don't know him because he's not in your line of business. He makes an honest living working with family." Diya bragged about him .

" Well that's good,  I wouldn't want you to date anyone like me. If he's really been there when it counts then I respect him already. Honestly I can't wait to meet him." He lied .

He didn't want to see Diya with anyone. Not happy anyways but what could he do? He was to much of a coward to admit his true feelings for her, did he expect God to save her for him forever? With everything he had going on right now he had to set her free.

" Well that's great he should be walking in any minute now ." She set up .

Milton entered The Saussie Pig and noticed Kim at the bar. She waved when she saw him and pointed towards the back , initiating Diyas location. He smiled and walked past her to the managers office . When he got closer he heard Diya going back and forth with a somewhat familiar voice. Milton knocked softly on the door and to his surprise the person that greeted him was Ice .

Ice looked at him with a face that screamed murder. Ice grabbed Milton's shirt and pushed him up against the wall in the hallway.
" I could kill yo ass right now, you must have bumped your head walking up in here on me ."

" Oh Ice my friend, I'm not here for you. I'm here for my girl." The door to the office swung open and a Diya was standing there as they both turned to look at her.

Ice took his hands off Milton and focused his full attention on Diya. His jaw tightened at once, his mouth felt dry like he couldn't speak. His legs felt like they would buckle beneath him. He couldn't have heard Milton clearly.

" This who you was comparing me to?" Ice was getting upset. Diya looked at Milton confused.

" Do you two know each other?" She questioned.

" This is one of my damn enemies and I don't care what you believed was going on between you and him, but it ends today. You're not allowed to see him from this point on." Ice instructed.

" She's not allowed ? Who the hell do you think you are? Diya is eighteen. I think she's perfectly capable of making her own choices." Ice was in his face in seconds.

" You and I both know this is all about our problem and you don't care even a little about her. You are doing this to get to me but I swear on my mother, if you ever touch or even contact her again you will join your dad."

Milton punched Ice at once. Then shoved him into the wall but Ice broke free, spinning Milton around. Pinning him to the wall. Ice was slamming his fist into his face. Milton kneed Ice and bought his self some time, to move from the wall. By now Diya was screaming for them to stop and Kim was making her way to help diffuse the situation.

They had fallen into the bar area now almost knocking Kim over, and people were trying to move out of their way as soon as possible.  They showed no signs of letting up. They went blow for blow, but somehow Ice got the upper hand. Milton now lay on the floor lifeless as Ice fist repetitively crashes into his face. Milton seemed to be growing limp, but Ice felt Diyas hands pulling at his arm. He looked into her eyes she was in tears .

" Ice please stop your going to kill him, please just stop....Okay ?" Diya begged and though Ice had to find the humanity in himself to stop, for her he'd do anything. He went to hit him one last time .

" Stop it please !" Diya yelled again. He stood up and kicked him.

" Ice that's enough !" Kim scolded.
Kim and Diya worked together to help Milton up.

Milton stumbles a little before regaining his balance. He wiped his busted lip with the back of his hand.

" Come on baby I think we have overstayed our welcome ." He threw his arm around Diyas shoulder .

" Me too." They headed towards the door.

Ice grabbed Diyas arm . " Don't do this Diya, please." He said almost begging.
She snatched away .

"He's my boyfriend, you're the one who insisted we date other people, so here we are. I don't care about some stupid beef you two have, I like him." Ice stood there as they walked away. Kim stood beside Ice massaging her forehead. One hand on her hip.

" Great look at this place. You know Ice she's right. If you aren't man enough to admit you like her, hell love her, then let her be. What you did here today was child's play and I'm disappointed in you. Man up or move the hell on and let my best friend be fucking great." She walked to the tables and started cleaning up as customers joined in.

Oooh Ice 😌
How do you all feel about what Kim said ? Did she drop some knowledge?
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