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"Diya, you have to stop whatever you're doing and head over to wherever Uncle Briggs lives." Diya could hear the urgency in Selest's voice.

"Why? What's going on?" Diya asked.

"Dad is about to kill him." Selest was talking to someone in the background, asking where to turn.

"Selest, stop playing around." Diya rolled her eyes.

"I know you think this is a joke, but mom just said he was choking her out when I came into the house. Diya, mom did something really terrible,  I think you need to meet me at uncle Briggs house." There was no humor in Selest tone.

"Okay, we're on the way." Diya ended the call quickly.

"Ice get up, we have to stop my dad and Uncle Briggs from fighting, and apparently it's a match to the death." She was pulling some pants up over her waist.

"What would they be fighting about?" Ice stood up pulling a shirt over his head.

"I don't know. Selest says it isn't good," Diya was now putting on a shirt and her shoes.

"I have the keys, let's go." He was heading towards the door and she was close on his heels.


"Hey boss, a package was delivered for you ." One of Zeus's bodyguards stood before him with a USB drive.

Zeus wore a look of curiosity. " Well what are you waiting for, plug it in." He ordered.

His security opened the laptop and quickly plugged in the USB. There was a video of Quakes playing catch with his sons, while his wife Ezra set in the sun. Zeus heart rate instantly sped up, his face expression was now angry.

"How the hell did this man come into contact with my entire family? Get Juan on the phone, now!" Zeus was now on his feet.

The phone was on speaker as it began to ring .

"Hello old friend." Quakes voice was taunting and calm.

"You will pay dearly, if even a strain of hair is misplaced, you hear me?" Zeus threatens.

"Whoa, for a man in your position I had hope you'd be a little less hostile." Quakes joke.

"How did you know where to find my family and what are your plans?" Zeus voice was intense.

"You know what has to happen, you for your family, it's the only logical thing ." Quakes laughed.

"I only asked to be left alone, I'm no threat to you anymore ." Zeus spoke low.

"You tried to kill my son, you took my brother from me, so for that I can't just let you walk away." Quakes was serious.

Zeus inhaled deeply . "I'll be there in a few hours, please in the mean time do not harm my family.

"You come and you come with no weapons and keep your guard dogs outside. If you do not comply with these rules, I cannot guarantee your families safety." Quakes ended the call.

"Boss, how do you know where to meet up with him?" The security asked .

"He's at the old warehouse." Zeus kicked the wall .


Once Coby was outside of Briggs house, he pulled the gun from the glove compartment and rested it on his lap. Coby stares at himself in the mirror before stepping out the car. The lights were on in Briggs house, indicating he was awake. Coby hopped out the car creeping slowly up the driveway, he hid the gun in his pants. Coby rung the doorbell, Briggs opened the door with a huge smile.

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