Chapter 49: Old Memories

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A/N: Get some popcorn, y'all, bc this is a longer chapter than usual. I was going to shorten it but there wasn't really a good place to cut it without breaking up the flow of events. You'll see as you continue reading.

I entered Albus's office, a feeling of dread settling in my stomach. I knew I shouldn't have gone off on him that way but it felt as if I had no control of my emotions in that moment. All I could see was Harry continuously being forced to do Albus's dirty work and I was no longer going to simply stand to the side and allow him to put everything on Harry.

Albus closed the door behind us and made his way over to a case with vials and pulled one out before making his way over to a pensieve.

"You wanted to know everything, Y/n, but... do not be alarmed by the information. This is the memory I showed Harry... the one I believe has been altered. Depending on how you do with this one... I may show you more."

I was slightly confused as to what he meant but I nodded, nonetheless, and stood over the pensieve as he poured in the liquid and I was suddenly plunged into the memory. Slughorn was in his office and he turned to find a young boy... Tom... standing there.

"Look sharp, Tom," Slughorn said. "You don't want to be caught out of bed after hours."

"Sir, I wanted to ask you something."

"Ask away then, m'boy, ask away."

"Sir, I wondered what you know about... Horcruxes?" A dense fog filled the room before I heard Slughorn's voice.

"I don't know anything about Horcruxes and I wouldn't tell you if I did! Now get out of here at once and don't let me catch you mentioning them again!"

With that the memory ended and I was back in the office once more.

"Horcruxes," I muttered and Albus nodded.

"Ever heard of them?"

I shook my head and he hummed.

"There's more... if you're interested... but these are a bit harder to swallow... especially given that he's your father."

"He's not my father," I hissed.

Albus raised his hands. "I meant nothing by that statement, Y/n. I simply want you to be prepared should you choose to view these memories."

"I want to know everything."

He nodded and pulled several vials from the cabinet.

"You should prepare yourself, Y/n... these are difficult memories."


A/N: I am simply going to write out each memory as a refresher or for anyone who hasn't read the books. There isn't much dialogue between Albus and Y/n as they are going through each memory mostly silent. Any dialogue outside of the memories should be clear as Y/n explicitly states the memory has ended. Each new memory will be separated by ellipsis (...)

Memory: Bob Ogden

I stood inside an old looking house as a man sat in a gross looking armchair, twisting a small snake between his fingers as he sang to it in Parseltongue and Bob Ogden looked curiously at the man and who I assumed to be his son, who had just entered the room. There was a faint scuffling noise in the corner of the room and a girl was standing beside a pot on the stove.

"M'daughter, Merope," the man twisting the snake said as Ogden looked at her curiously.

Ogden greeted her but she said nothing, her terrified eyes finding her father's before turning back to the steaming pot.

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