Chapter 3: Affection and Hate

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I hope you'll join your family.

Those words rang in my ears as I tried to think of something to say. I had every intention of joining to spy for the Order but hearing him tell me the truth... hearing his honesty... It confused everything even more. Could I truly betray my blood if it was what was best for the Order? Could I betray the Order for my blood? What family did I even want? Whose world could I truly destroy by making this choice?

I locked eyes with Tom as he waited for me to say something. I could feel all eyes in the room on me as they each waited, each hoping for the same answer, though each for different reasons.

"And if I join? What do you get out of this?" I asked him.

"I simply get to know my daughter," he answered.

"So it has nothing to do with my power?" I scoffed. "Is that why you had me with Cassie Flamel? Did you know who she was the whole time? Is that why you... bred with her?" I asked, cringing at the way it sounded but there was no other way to put it.

"No, my child. I didn't know who she was when we met. She never told me her last name," he chuckled. "It wasn't until we reached the hospital for your birth and she gave her full name that I finally realized who she was. I didn't know of her power until long after. She never showed me that side of herself. Truthfully... I'm not sure she was even aware of her potential until your birth when the lights began flickering out of control."

"You seriously expect me to believe you had no ulterior motive for having me?"

"There was none, my child. That much I can assure you. You were an unplanned surprise. We just... weren't ready for you." He tried another approach. "Don't you think if it was my intention to use you for your power I would have kept you with me, despite the danger it could've put you in? I'd have had one of the house elves raise you if that's how little you meant to me, my child, but that wasn't the case. You meant more to me than that. I wanted to give you the best life possible... even if that wasn't with me."

"Sev... I- I think I'm going to be sick," I whispered to him and he quickly grabbed a nearby trash can, holding my hair out of my face as I hurled the contents of my stomach into the bin. Lucius and Narcissa came rushing over to me, gently patting my back as I vomit and sob over the bin.

"She's just overwhelmed, My Lord," Lucius assured as I finished vomiting, sitting back as Severus dabbed at my face with a damp cloth a nearby house elf had handed him.

"Certainly," Tom answered as he ordered a house elf to retrieve a glass of water. The elf quickly scurried away, returning with a glass and placing it into my hands. Her hands were nervously shaking and some of the water splashed onto my skin and the floor. She nervously looked back and forth between Lucius and I but I gently took her hands.

"Thank you," I said before taking a sip of the water.

She nodded, giving me a small smile, as I asked her name.

"M-Mippy, m-my Lady."

"Y/n," I said, shaking her small hand. "Pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise, madam," she answered before scurrying away, giving me a curious smile as she retreated to the back of the room.

"Why is the house elf speaking to my daughter?" Tom hissed, glaring daggers at Lucius, who gulped next to me, but I quickly spoke up.

"Because I asked her a question," I hissed. "And her name is Mippy."

Tom's gaze returned to me, questioningly before he nodded and said nothing more.

"Are you alright, darling?" Severus asked, keeping the bin nearby in case I had more to empty but I nodded, pushing it away.

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