Chapter 58: Two Days Later

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I stayed with the Malfoys for two nights and when Tom asked what I would tell the Order, I simply said I told them I had to clear things from the old headquarters... my old house. He seemed pleased with this answer as Mippy opened the door for me and I stepped outside.

"Be safe, won't you?" Severus said as he hugged me.

"Aren't I always?"

He rolled his eyes, looking down at me. "When have you ever played things safe, love?"

"Every day," I retorted and he chuckled, squeezing me tighter. I grabbed my bag and left the manor, ignoring the growing pit in my stomach as I returned to the Burrow.


When I returned to the Burrow I was met with loads of questions regarding my father's plans and Severus's involvement in Albus's death. Sirius, in particular, seemed to be on a mission as he pushed for details and Remus tried to intervene.

"She's just returned home, Sirius. Give her a minute," Remus said as he sent my bag upstairs with a flick of his wand.

"There's been another escape," I explained, looking up at Remus. "Lucius and Rodolphus are home."

"Home?" Sirius spat as he turned to me.

"Their home," I replied. "The Manor is their home. Let's not pretend otherwise."

"Is it yours?"

"No," I replied. "Not anymore."

"And what of Snape?"

"What about him?" I hissed as Molly and Arthur entered the room.

"What does he think the two of you are now?"

I scoffed but luckily Remus intervened. "I don't really think that's our business, Pads."

"It's a simple question, Moony. She just spent two days with them and then returns as if nothing happened. Shouldn't we be concerned about what happened in those two days?" He turned to me. "What did you talk about for two days? Did you just sit there and pretend they didn't kill Albus?"

"That's enough, Sirius!" Molly hissed.

"It's alright, Molly," I soothed, my voice holding a dangerous tone as a smile spread across my face. "He should get it out of his system." I turned to Sirius. "Go on. Get it all out of your system. Anything else you want to say, Sirius?"

He sighed. "I'm worried about you, Y/n."

I scoffed. "You have a funny way of showing it. I am sorry for what Severus did... truly I am. It shouldn't have happened but it did and there is nothing I can do to change that. The only thing I can do is make sure Albus didn't die for nothing. If I don't play along his death meant nothing. Is that what you want?"

Before Sirius could say anything Remus spoke up. "Sirius, do you understand this can't be easy on her either? She's playing the enemy and she's gathered valuable intel. We now know they've gotten the Death Eaters out of Azkaban yet again. We can assume everyone captured at the Ministry has been released. The Death Eaters are planning something big. We should be appreciative of Y/n's sacrifice."

I looked away from them, unable to bear the weight of the secrets I was holding. Never let them see you cry.

"I'm sorry, Y/n," Sirius said softly.

Don't apologize to me. I don't deserve it.

"It's fine, Sirius." I waved my hand, brushing it off as we changed the subject toward the topic of Bill and Fleur's wedding, which was quickly approaching.

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