Chapter 29: Welcome Home, Y/n Riddle

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When they heard a knock on the door, Molly enthusiastically opened the door to find Y/n, though it didn't look like her at all. The girl stood wearing a black dress that fell around her ankles. Half of her hair was pulled back, long curls hanging around her face which was adorned with dark eye makeup and her lips a dark red. Molly searched the girl's face as Y/n seemed to stare right through her. Molly's eyes traveled her forearm, relieved when she found the Dark Mark wasn't there.

"Y/n... where have you been?" she breathed.

Y/n seemed to stare right through her as Molly stepped to the side, waiting for her to enter the burrow. When Y/n didn't move, Molly tilted her head curiously, before gently taking the girl's hand. Y/n flinched slightly but she allowed Molly to lead her into the burrow and Y/n jumped at the sound of the door closing behind her. Molly led her into the kitchen and sat her down at the table, placing a cup of tea in front of the girl before leaving the kitchen. She found Sirius and Arthur heading downstairs and she quickly shushed them as they began to question her about Y/n.

"She's... different," Molly whispered.

Sirius chuckled. "How different could she be? It's Y/n."

"Not in there," Molly reasoned. "Something... something must've happened in the two months she was away. Her eyes... they're darker."

Sirius's eyes widened and he headed toward the kitchen, ignoring Molly's protests.

"Molly... what do you mean she's different?" Arthur asked as they followed Sirius.

"Something happened to her, Arthur... she's not the same girl that left here two months ago."

"What could've happened? It was only two months."

"A lot can happen in two months, Arthur," Molly reasoned.

"We need to get Severus here... now."


"Y/n? It's Sirius..."

Molly and Arthur entered the kitchen to find Sirius sitting next to Y/n, his hand holding hers. Molly's face contorted with pain as she looked upon the scene, watching Y/n stare straight ahead. Arthur turned to Molly. "Did you contact him?"

She nodded in reply. "He'll be here... he has to be here." Molly no longer knew who she was trying to convince: herself or Arthur. Would Severus show? Would he be there for Y/n when she needed him most? And just what had happened to send Y/n down such a dark path?

For now, Molly could only watch as Sirius simply sat next to Y/n in silence, his thumb gently rubbing circles into her hand.


A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and Severus entered the burrow. "Where is she?"

"In the kitchen," Molly answered, leading him into the kitchen where Sirius and Y/n still sat. He pulled out a chair and sat next to her. "Darling, it's Sev... I'm here."

No response.

"When you left... we were all worried, my love."


"Darling, please listen to me... it's not your fault."

Y/n stood abruptly, the chair clattering backward as she pulled away from Sirius and Severus. "This was a mistake," she muttered. The first words she'd spoken since she'd been here. A mistake.

Severus sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as she walked away, heading upstairs and he turned to Molly. "Get Albus and Minerva here," he muttered to her and she nodded before leaving the room.

"Welcome home, Y/n Riddle," Sirius muttered to himself.

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