Chapter 56: Breakfast

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Severus POV

The letter from Y/n came much quicker than I'd expected and several pairs of eyes followed the owl that entered the room as it perched next to me, Y/n's handwriting staring up at me from the letter tied to the bird's leg.

"Is it from Y/n?" Voldemort asked, crossing the room, and I nodded as I untied the letter and opened it. Narcissa and Bella quickly approached as well, followed by Draco and finally the Dark Lord. Everyone made space for him as I read the letter to myself, each of them reading over my shoulder. I chuckled softly to myself as I read her words, though I worried what Voldemort would say and if her words would anger him. I finished reading and the others took a step back as a silence filled the room. I hesitantly turned to face Voldemort but found him chuckling softly to himself.

"It appears time has not taken away the fire in her."

"It would appear not, my Lord," I replied.

"Well then!" Voldemort turned abruptly. "Where are we with Azkaban? How soon can we have our friends out?"

"We are hopeful to have them out tomorrow morning, my Lord," Pius answers.

"Wonderful timing. And Scrimgeour?"

"We should have an open window next month, my Lord. He will not live to see September."

"Excellent work."


Y/n's POV

"Are you out of your mind?" Sirius yelled as I explained the letter and where I was going tomorrow.

"Sirius, let's calm down," Remus said calmly. "We understand that Y/n needs to keep her cover. Severus has betrayed us and Y/n is now the only person we have on the inside. Albus would want her to maintain her cover."

"And if they decide to kill her?" Sirius yelled. "What then?"

"They won't!" I interrupted.

"And how are you so certain of that?"

"Because why send me that letter if they were just going to kill me? If they wanted to kill me they could've done it anytime during the school year! They don't want me dead! They want to make sure I'm loyal!"

"And are you?"

I sighed. "I'm not having this conversation with you again, Sirius. I don't know how many times I have to explain this to you. Albus was clear-."

"Albus is dead, Y/n! You don't owe him anything!"

"I'm done with this conversation, Sirius. If I don't go he's coming for Remus and Hermione."

"Why them specifically?"

"Who knows what goes on in Tom's head?" I hissed. "Probably because Remus is a werewolf and Hermione is Muggle-born. They're two people I care about but they're also represent everything he hates. He'd be killing two birds with one stone."

"I don't like this, Y/n."

"I don't really care what you like, Sirius. I'm not here to make sure you're comfortable. I"m here to ensure we win this war no matter the cost."

There was nothing more to say and I went upstairs, trying to ignore the sounds of their arguments carrying up the stairs.


The next morning I awoke to the smell of breakfast and a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I called, sitting up in bed as Arthur cracked the door.

"Molly said breakfast is ready."

"Thank you, Arthur. I'll be down in five."

He nodded and left the room as I began getting ready before heading downstairs. Remus was glaring daggers at Sirius, as if daring him to say anything but Sirius remained quiet.

"I wanted to make sure you ate before you left," Molly said, placing a plate of food in front of me.

"Thank you, Molly," I said as I took a seat. She smiled warmly at me as I began eating and Remus and I discussed when I would be back. I didn't know for sure but I didn't plan on staying long. Despite this being Albus's plan, he was dead and my father was responsible... just as Severus was responsible... Just as I was responsible. I was finding it harder and harder to separate what was planned and what was our own nature... our own evil. Could we have changed the outcome or were we doomed to repeat our mistakes?

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