Chapter 31: What Happened?

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One week ago at Malfoy Manor (Y/n's POV)

Severus and I were sleeping next to each other when we heard yelling downstairs. I jumped out of the bed, grabbing my wand. I quickly made my way out of the room, Severus following close behind me. I followed the sound to the dining room and pressed myself against the wall as I listened. My breath hitched as I realized Narcissa was in a heated discussion with my father.

"He's just a boy!" she shouted.

"I suggest you watch your tone with me, Narcissa!" my father hissed, his voice cold as he spoke. "Your husband has failed me greatly and it is only because of Y/n that you still have your tongue!"

"My Lord, please... he's my only son."

"Then you should be honored that I have chosen him to redeem your husband's filthy name. He has disgraced us all with his foolishness."

"My husband wasn't the only one sent on that mission," she muttered.

"He was in charge! It was his duty to ensure the prophecy was returned to me and he failed spectacularly... as did your sister!"

"You blame my son and I for their failings?"

"Get out of my sight," he hissed. "Do not speak a word of this mission to anyone, Narcissa."

Nothing more was said and I heard the shuffling of feet as Narcissa approached the door. I pushed Severus against the wall, pressing my body as far back as possible, hiding in the darkness. Narcissa stormed into the hallway, turning the corner and disappearing from our sight. I took a deep breath, and began to walk forward but Severus grabbed my arm, raising a brow.

I shook my head, pulling my arm away from him, before entering the dining room. "What the hell was that?"

"I've bestowed a great honor upon Draco. He and Narcissa should be grateful."

"What have you asked of him?"

His lips pressed together in a thin line as he tried to determine the best thing to say. I felt Severus approach me as my father said the words that would change my life forever... a punch to the stomach I feared I may never recover from.

"I've tasked him with killing Dumbledore."

Present Day (3rd person pov)

Severus sighed, trying to determine the best way to answer this question. "It wasn't any one specific thing. It had been building for a while but the final straw... the one that made her leave the Manor... it was after a new task was given, one I am unable to speak of at the present time." He shared a look with Albus, knowing the old man already knew of this task. "She was angry about this punishment and it only got worse when the Dark Lord sent us on a mission. We were to take out a group of muggleborns and we were being watched... carefully."

"Severus..." Minerva whispered, growing nervous as to where this was going.

"The family had children and... Y/n... she was tasked with taking care of the mother."

Gasps filled the room as Severus continued. "She took one look at the children crying for their mother and she broke. In that moment I saw her face change... and she was gone."

"Severus... tell me she didn't do it," Minerva whispered.

"No. There was never a doubt in her mind as to what she had to do then. She slipped them a vial of Draught of Living Death and planned to wake them later. The other Death Eaters were standing watch outside. Bellatrix believed the family to be dead and Y/n's plan worked for the most part but she... she was unable to wake them before Bellatrix returned and set the house aflame. Y/n went back a few hours later and their bodies were gone. It destroyed her."

"When did this happen?" Minerva asked.

"Yesterday afternoon... she went back this morning and... they weren't there."

A silence fell over the room as no one seemed to know quite what to say.

"She left so abruptly... no one knew where she went." Severus turned to Molly. "Thank you... for reaching out to me. I know I don't exactly have the best track record... with any of you." His eyes glared at Sirius for a moment before returning to Molly.

"Y/n loves you, Severus... and that's all that matters to us."

Minerva smiled at the interaction before speaking, a frown forming on her face as she asked the dreaded question. "Were there... remains or... or anything at all?"

Severus shook his head. "She said there was nothing... that was the last thing she said to me before she left."

"Severus... have you spoken with anyone else about this? Are you certain that the bodies weren't... moved?" Minerva asked, feeling sick at the question.

"I suppose I never thought about it." His eyes widened for a brief moment, just a flicker of emotion as he looked at Minerva. "Will you stay here... with her? I don't want her to be alone."

Minerva nodded. "I won't leave her, Severus. I promise."

With that he left Grimmauld Place as Molly took the cup of tea from the table and handed it to Minerva. "Will you bring this upstairs to her... perhaps she'll speak with you."

It was a mighty big 'if' but it was all they had at the moment, for they feared what would happen if they were unable to bring back the Y/n they once knew. What would happen if Y/n Riddle was all that remained?

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