Chapter 48: Anger

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As we returned to Hogwarts the news of the burrow's unfortunate incident spread like wildfire. Eyes followed Harry and I throughout the day and whispers floated through the halls as people began to wonder what Voldemort was after. How was it that Harry and I had escaped unscathed when other witches and wizards were disappearing left and right? I tried to ignore the whispers and settle into my work but it was growing more difficult as the weeks passed. Albus was putting extra pressure on Harry to retrieve a memory from Slughorn but he refused to tell me what it was about and Harry was no more forthcoming as Albus had sworn him to secrecy.

As Potion's class ended and the students filed out of the room, I began cleaning up, when I heard Slughorn address Harry, who hadn't yet left the classroom. I tried to ignore them as I continued to clear the desks but when I heard Slughorn's voice slowly growing angrier it became impossible to ignore.

"Dumbledore put you up to this." His voice was low but I could hear the terror in it as he spoke. He was afraid of something. I looked up at Harry and his eyes flicked to me briefly before returning to Slughorn.

"He's shown you that memory, hasn't he?" Slughorn continued. "Well? Hasn't he?"

"Yes," Harry relented, though I was unsure as to what memory they were referring to.

"Yes, of course... of course... Well, if you've seen that memory, Harry, you'll know that I don't know anything... anything... about Horcruxes." He grabbed his briefcase before turning to me. "Miss Y/l/n, please don't worry about making everything as tidy as usual. You are free to leave once the desks are cleared."

I nodded and he marched toward the door as Harry spoke up again. "Sir... I just thought there might be a bit more to the memory."

"Did you?" Slughorn turned to Harry, his normally white face blanched red. "Then you were wrong, weren't you? WRONG!" He slammed the door behind him and Harry looked down.

"You want to tell me what that was about?" I asked him and he looked up at me.

"Dumbledore tasked me with getting information out of him."

"I doubt that was the right way to go about it."

"I'm beginning to realize that," he chuckled softly. "You haven't heard anything about Horcruxes... have you?"

I shook my head. "This is the first I've heard of it."

He nodded.

"You should get going."

He said nothing more and left the room as I finished clearing the desks, not worrying about ensuring everything was as tidy as usual and left the dungeon.


I headed to the Great Hall as Minerva and Severus had insisted that I attend the apparition lesson for the students. They claimed it was because they needed an extra instructor but ruthfully, I felt it was so they could keep me within their eyesight. I entered the hall to find Albus, Minerva, Filius, Severus, and Pomona already there

"Where have you been?" Severus hissed. "I saw Slughorn leave the dungeon ages ago."

"I'm his assistant. I stayed behind to clear the desks."

His brow furrowed. "And he left?"

"Severus," I warned. "He was upset after the lesson and left."

"What happened?"

"One of the students asked a question that pissed him off and he left. I'm his assistant. Staying after to clean up is my job. Why are you so angry about this?"

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I don't like the idea of you being left alone in the castle."

"I can handle myself, Severus. Besides, the Death Eaters can't enter the castle and even if they did... I can handle myself."

"I know you can, darling. I just... I worry about you... that's all."

Albus cleared his throat and I turned to him as he smiled softly. "Sorry to interrupt but I wanted to inform you that Wilkie Twycross will be here shortly. He'll be the Ministry instructor facilitating the lessons."

I nodded and he continued. "I agree with Severus by the way. I think I should have a word with Horace about leaving you unaccompanied."

"Seriously, Albus?" I hissed. "You too? Merlin, can't you just leave well enough alone? I'm fine! Oh, and by the way... whatever you've got Harry doing, end it!"


"You are verging into dangerous territory, here, Albus. If there is an altered memory It was altered for a reason. You continuing to push this matter could put Harry in danger."

"Can we discuss this later?"

I scoffed. "Nervous your master plan might get discovered by someone other than yourself and Harry? You don't get to put my godson in danger because you can't do the job yourself!"

I couldn't explain why I felt so angry toward Albus but it was a feeling unlike anything I'd ever felt.

"It is import-."

"I don't care!" I interrupted. Minerva, Pomona, and Filius turned to us, watching the situation carefully. "Anything you have to do with Harry, you are to discuss with me first. Is that clear?"

He said nothing so I continued. "He is a minor and you are not to drag him into this mess, especially where it involves Tom."

"They are connected, Y/n."

"I don't care! He is just a boy and anything you drag him into is to be discussed with me. Is that clear?"
He sighed, nodding. "Will you come to my office after the lesson? I'll tell you everything."

I nodded and finally Twycross arrived. Severus squeezed my hand and the lesson began.

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