Chapter 55: The Letter

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The funeral came and went quickly, most of which I can't say that I remember. My mind was far away and I felt detached from reality even as several Order members tried to speak with me. Most of them were kind, offering condolences and assuring they didn't blame me for what Severus had done. The others simply smiled, unsure of what to say and I couldn't blame them.

I felt empty as I packed my trunk, unsure of where I was going. I couldn't stay here but could I return to the Burrow after what I'd done? Could I return to the Malfoy's? Or would I be doomed to remain in an empty house that was no longer a home?

I could hear footsteps outside my door before a faint knock pulled me from my thoughts. I opened the door to find Molly, Arthur, and Minerva standing outside my door.

"Sorry to disturb you, dear," Minerva began. "Molly and Arthur wished to see you."

"That's alright," I assured her, smiling as I opened the door wider. "Come in. I was just packing."

They entered the room and Molly was the first to speak. "How are you doing, dear... with everything that happened?"

"I'm fine," I promised, closing my suitcase and zipping it as Molly continued.

"The Burrow's been fixed and we've cleaned up the house. It looks the same as when we moved in."

"Thank you, Molly."

She nodded and a silence filled the room. No one seemed to know what to say and I couldn't blame them.

"So..." Molly began. "We were wondering where you were planning on staying for the summer."

"I'm not sure yet. I can't exactly go back to the Malfoys right now, though they'll be expecting me eventually... I can't stay there. I'll probably stay in the Leaky Cauldron for a bit until I can find somewhere else to go."

"Why not stay with us at the Burrow?"

I looked up, my eyes locking with hers.

"Oh, I... I guess I just thought after everything..."

"We don't blame you, dear."

You should.

"I know, Molly... but I do."

She took my hand as I avoided her eyes. She wouldn't be comforting me if she knew what I knew.

"The Burrow is your home too and it always will be. Arthur!" She turned to her husband. "Send her bags to the Burrow. You're coming home with us, dear."

Minerva smiled as Molly spoke and the two women took my hand, leading me out of the castle.


We arrived at the Burrow and my bags floated upstairs. Hermione and Ron came rushing downstairs and hugged me. I smiled, trying to ignore the guilt rising in my chest.

"Y/n," Arthur interrupted and I turned to him. His face was pale as he held a letter.


He slowly walked toward me and held out the letter.

"Arthur, what is this?"

"It was here when we arrived. Someone's been in here."

I took the letter from him and turned it over in my hands. My name was written across the front and the Malfoy stationary was unmistakable.

"How did they get in?" Molly asked, her eyes wide with fear. Sirius entered the room and took in the sight of their horrified faces.

"What's going on?"

"Where have you been?" Arthur asked.

"I went outside for a walk."

"So you weren't here when this letter was left?"

"What letter?" He turned to me. "Y/n, what's going on?"

Maintain your cover.

"Someone left a letter." I looked down at the envelope. "Malfoy stationary," I added.

"I assume it's from Snivellus," he spat.

Maintain your cover no matter what it means for us.

I took a breath, every instinct telling me to scold Sirius for using that name but I couldn't defend Severus, not anymore.

"Get protective charms over the Burrow," I ordered. "Choose a secret keeper and ensure we are all told the address so we can re-enter. They are unlikely to return but I'll find out what they want after I read the letter."

With that I made my way upstairs and opened the letter.


I understand you probably want nothing to do with me right now but I need to see you. The Dark Lord is overjoyed the task has been completed but that seems overshadowed by his fear that you may be straying from us. He's growing angrier by the day and is insistent you make an appearance within the next 48 hours... or people will get hurt. I'm sorry it's come to this but we have no choice. He'll be starting with Lupin and Miss Granger. I know you'll make the right choice, love.


I grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill, quickly writing a response.


Tell him to chill the fuck out. I will make an appearance tomorrow afternoon. I cannot simply leave right now without blowing my cover. I imagine he's probably reading this over your shoulder, so oi! Tom! Fuck off! I'm currently dealing with the fallout from the plan you so graciously bestowed upon us. Albus is dead. The Order wants answers and I don't have any. I'm on thin ice with their trust as it is so stop being needy and I'll be there tomorrow!


P.S. Next time you're going to leave a letter, send a bloody owl! The Weasley's are horrified that you got in and it brings questions we don't need.

I sent the letter off and walked back downstairs.

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