Chapter 24: Just a Few Days

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A few hours after reuniting with Severus I returned to Grimmauld Place to write a letter to Narcissa.

Can I come stay for a few days?


I sent it off with an owl, before looking down at my bag again, taking out the transfigured pen and transfigured it back into the blue orb. An unfamiliar female voice instantly filled my ears and I dreaded what was to come.

The Dark Lord has sired a child, unknown to the wizarding world.

Hidden from all, this child remains.

The one with the power to change it all...

Born with capabilities for pure good...

And great evil...

To destroy...

Or to save us all...

It all ends with her...

I nearly dropped the orb as the prophecy came to an end. My heart was racing as I placed the orb back inside my bag, Sybill's words replaying in my mind.

Born with capabilities for pure good... and great evil.

That night I went to sleep with more questions than answers and a sickening pit in my stomach. I'd stuffed the bag with the prophecy under my bed, unable to look at it any longer, though now I feared that was a mistake. For now it was a monster under my bed and I feared at any moment it could drag me down. What exactly had I gotten myself into? Or rather... what was I born into? What fate was I assigned long before I even knew of my parentage? Which stars had aligned to create such a fate and which stars would I have to move to change such a fate?


The next morning I was unpacking my trunk from Hogwarts and placing some clothes in a smaller bag. The prophecy stared back at me as I shoved it in a drawer beneath my clothes, closing it behind me and returning to the trunk.


I looked up, finding Sirius standing in the doorway. "Sirius! Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Much better." He smiled, though it didn't meet his eyes as they fell upon the bags on my bed.

"Are you unpacking... or packing?"

"A bit of both," I replied, honestly. A tapping sound came from the window and I turned to see an owl perched on the windowsill, as if waiting for permission to enter the room.

I nodded to the owl and it flew into the room, carrying a black envelope.

"Y/n, is that what I think it is?" Sirius asked as I took the letter from the owl and gently patted its head. It nuzzled into my hand for a moment before flying back out the window.


I looked at Sirius for a moment before opening the letter.

Nothing would please me more. You are welcome anytime, Y/n.


I smiled at the letter before grabbing one of my bags and throwing in a few clothes.

"You're not staying here... are you?" Sirius asked me.

"I'm still living here, Sirius. I just... I need to go visit someone."


I nodded. "Her husband was just sent to Azkaban... he failed Tom and now... now I fear she and Draco will be punished for that failure."

"They made their choice."

"They are innocent in all this, Sirius! She's done nothing wrong! If her one sin is loving her family too much then we should all be punished!" I spat.

"She married a Death Eater," Sirius reasoned, as if that was reason enough for their punishment.

"She married a man she loved," I retorted. "And what of Draco? He's just a boy. Should he suffer for his father's failings? For the failings we ensured?"

"You feel guilty," Sirius realized. I rolled my eyes, stuffing the now empty trunk under my bed.

"I have nothing to feel guilty for."

"I know that... but I don't think you know that. You can lie to yourself, Y/n, but you can't lie to me. I know you far too well for that."

"You don't know me at all." The prophecy flashed in my mind as I slung the overnight bag over my shoulder and walked out of the room, Sirius following closely behind.

"I can't let you do this, Y/n!"

"It's not your choice!" I hissed as I turned to face him.

"Please, love... just stay."

"I'm not leaving for good, Sirius... just for a few days."

He scoffed. "A few days with the most dangerous wizard alive."

"Who also happens to be my father," I spat.

He seemed taken back by this and he took a step back. I knew I should say something to clear this up but I could think of nothing useful to say. Any words I thought of would've felt fake on my tongue and I was tired of lying. I left Grimmauld Place without another word.

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