Chapter 2: Holding my Breath

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Voldemort slowly moved toward me, placing a cold hand on my cheek.

"You turned out amazing... despite everything you went through, my child," he said softly. His touch sent chills down my spine and not in a good way. His rotting teeth and pale skin made me want to vomit but I forced the bile down as he took my hand, touching my forearm with his fingers. My skin glowed once again and I quickly pulled away, taking several steps back.

"Do. Not. Touch. Me. And don't think you're going to mark me either," I spat.

"I don't need to," he answered.

My brows furrowed as he continued. "You are my daughter, not one of my followers," he chuckled.

"The Dark Mark lives within you. My blood runs through your veins as yours does mine. There is no need for me to mark your skin. You are my blood, daughter."

My skin crawled as he spoke.

"Then why the hell were you touching my arm?"

He chuckled. "Simply to feel your magic, my child. I've heard stories of your power but have yet to experience it myself."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You do not know of your heritage, my child... but you soon will. Your mother was a very powerful witch, descended from Nicolas Flamel."

"I thought he didn't have any children."

"There were no known children. She was kept out of the public eye, for fear someone would try to hurt her to access the stone her father created."

"The stone? You don't mean...?" I trailed off, unsure of what to say.

"Yes, my child. Her name was Cassie Flamel."


He nodded as tears filled my eyes. "You don't even know how powerful you are... Do you?" He chuckled as he spoke and once again the feeling sent shivers running through my veins. He took a step forward and I backed away once again, clutching Severus.

"Are you two back together?" my father asked, gesturing between Severus and I.

"It's complicated," I answered. "We haven't really... put a label on it. I couldn't trust him but now that I'm already fucking here.... You know... seeing as you decided to send your lapdog to threaten my students," I spat.

He sighed. "I was running out of options, dear one. So... you and Severus?"

"Shut up," I answered, my face turning red.

"There's my answer," he chuckled. "I'll let the two of you figure that one out then."

I rolled my eyes which only seemed to make him laugh more.

"Why am I here, Tom?" I asked. Sharp intakes of breath could be heard throughout the room as they waited with bated breath for his reaction.

"Relax everyone," he said. "She's my daughter after all," he chuckled. "Though... I hope someday you'll call me your dad."

"I wouldn't hold my breath."

Once again his laughter filled the room, though this time it didn't feel me with dread as it once had. It was a warm sound that filled my soul as Severus nudged me, his eyes flashing in warning, but Tom seemed to take no notice.

"As for your question," he continued. "I brought you here because I wanted to meet you properly... now that I know who you are. I wanted to tell you the truth about who you were... and I hope you'll join your family."

"I- uhm..." I trailed off, not knowing how to answer him. What was I supposed to say? What could I possibly say that wouldn't betray someone I cared about. If I said yes I was betraying the Order. If I said no I was betraying my blood. If I said yes but didn't truly mean it... was I betraying myself? Could I eventually mean it if this truly was my family? Or would I be doomed to destroy them just as I had once been destroyed?

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