Chapter 30: The Prophecy

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"Severus," Molly began after Y/n had walked upstairs. "What happened while she was away?"

"That's not my place to say," Severus answered as another knock sounded through the burrow. Molly answered the door and in rushed Albus and Minerva.

"Where is she?" Minerva called as she searched the room, as if Y/n might be hiding somewhere.

"She's gone to her room... she's refusing to speak to anyone. We're not exactly sure what happened." Molly's eyes flicked to Severus as she spoke and Sirius scoffed.

"We're actually going to pretend like we don't know what happened? Two months ago she arrives and a boggart of him shows up," Sirius spits, pointing to Severus. "Now she shows up, looking like fucking Bellatrix, and she won't speak to anyone, not even him."

"I... I was her... boggart?"

Sirius smirked at this. "She came to Grimmauld Place to get her things packed before we moved here and Molly found another boggart. Once it set its sights on Y/n, you appeared."

"She's... afraid of me?"

"That's not the whole story, Sirius, and you know it," Arthur hissed, to which Sirius rolled his eyes.

Arthur began explaining what really happened and Severus seemed confused when they mentioned the prophecy, as he hadn't heard anything about it from Y/n. Did she know about the prophecy?

"She never told me... about the boggart."

"Well, why would she, dear?" Molly soothed. "I imagine she wanted to forget it."

He nodded as Minerva and Albus seemed to grow more confused.

"So, no one's heard from her in two months and suddenly she shows up here... with no explanation as to what happened?" Albus asked, seeming deep in thought.

"She left here two months ago and said she was becoming one of them... just like you wanted," Sirius hissed in response.

Albus sighed. "I never meant for this to happen."

"Albus, the prophecy warned us of what she could become. The choice was entirely hers and I fear... I fear we've led her astray," Minerva said.

"What prophecy?" Molly asked.

Albus sighed, knowing there was no way around this. "Several years ago I was told of the prophecy of the Potter boy, yes, but there was another... one that was never spoken of until now. It speaks of a child born to Voldemort, hidden from all she remained... until a few years ago."

"What did it say of this child, Albus?" Molly asked.

"Her fate is undecided... She has the power to turn the war for the better... or for the worse. The final words of the prophecy were... it all ends with her."

"Merlin's beard," Arthur whispered.

Severus's eyes widened. "Oh, Merlin," he whispered.

"Severus? What is it?" Minerva asked.

"Two months ago she asked me to trust that there were some things she couldn't tell me... things she wasn't ready to tell me yet. At the time I could tell she was confused about how she felt about everything but she said..." Severus trailed off as he recalled the memory. "She said... 'I'm not confused. I know who I am... I know what I'm supposed to do.'"

"Severus... what are you getting at?"

"Don't you see, Albus? She was there... she was at the Department of Mysteries with Potter... she must've found the prophecy."

"It wasn't labeled with her name. At the time we didn't know who she was. It was labeled as..." The realization finally seemed to settle. "Voldemort's daughter."

"She must've seen the prophecy, Albus... and that knowledge... the knowledge of what she could become... combined with everything that happened over the last two months... that's enough to drive anyone to this state."

"Severus... please talk to us... what happened while she was away?" Molly asked softly.

Severus sighed, looking up the stairs where Y/n had gone. "She found herself... and she didn't like what she found."

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