Chapter 39: Ask Away

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The next few hours everything seemed to be okay. Bella and I were getting along and I assured Narcissa I would keep Draco safe. A few hours later my father entered the living room as Narcissa, Bella, Severus, and I were laughing as we discussed Draco's quidditch skills, or lack thereof.

"Y/n, may I speak with you?"

I turned to him, curiously, before placing my wine on the table and standing. "Is everything okay?"

"Just come outside please," he replied, leaving the room.

"What did you do?" Bella asked.


"Y/n, he looks... calm. That's unnatural for the Dark Lord," Narcissa reasoned.

"I didn't do anything!" I reasoned, making my way toward the door. Severus grabbed my hand, squeezing it softly.

"Be careful," he whispered and I nodded, knowing what he meant: remember my training and give nothing away.

I left the room and found Tom waiting in the hallway.

"What is it, Tom?"

"Walk with me."

It wasn't necessarily an order as his tone was soft but I could feel my anxiety rising as I nodded and walked down the hallway with him.

"We haven't had a chance to truly talk since you left that night... or at all truly."

"I'm sorry... I'm just not exactly sure what to say to you."

"You must have questions."

"Loads," I chuckled.

He paused, searching my face as I smiled and a faint smile ghosted his face.

"It's nice to hear your laughter."

I smiled at him and he paused in front of a door that read The Dark Lord.

"This is your room?"

He nodded, opening the door. We stepped into the room and I was surprised by how normal it looked. I'd never imagined him sleeping or being normal.

He crossed the room and grabbed a small photo album and placed it in my hands. "Open it."

I opened the album and nearly dropped it as a photo of a young Tom Riddle stared back at me. He was holding a baby, standing next to a young woman. They were both smiling down at the child and tears filled my eyes.

"Is this..." I looked up at him. "Is this you and my mother?"

He nodded. "That was the day you were born."

"Why... why do you have this? Why would you keep this?"

"You know why, child." He paused, looking down at the photo. "I know I'm not exactly the most... warm person but you were the one thing in my life that ever meant something."

"She was beautiful," I whispered, looking down at the photo.

"You look just like her." He paused. "Please... talk to me... I can't tell what you're thinking."

"I have questions."

He nodded. It was as if he'd been waiting for me to say this. He took a seat on the bed and gestured for me to sit next to him.

"Ask away. I'll tell you whatever you want to know."

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