Chapter 63: The Wedding Crashers

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 The ceremony was lovely and the reception that followed was lively as everyone ate, drank, and danced. No one seemed to notice the icy chill that filled the air but I could see Remus watching me curiously, taking in each expression as I sipped my champain.

Are you okay? He mouthed and I nodded, trying to ignore the chill settling in my bones as my heart began to pick up speed. I turned, looking up at the ceiling as a blue, shimmering ball crashed through the ceiling and settled in the middle of the room. A patronus.

Kingley's voice came from the patronus and his words sent ice through my veins. "The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming."

I could hear Hermione breathing heavily beside me as I turned to her and Molly. "Go get Ron and Harry. Get them out of here!"

"But Y/n-."

"They're here for him, Hermione. It'll only be worse if you stay." I grabbed her hands. "I trust you with this, Hermione... only you. Keep them safe."

She nodded, hugging me before running off to find Harry. I pulled my wand from my boot as Molly squeezed my hand, her eyes filled with horror. Several Death Eaters appeared in clouds of black smoke as people began fleeing. The protective enchantments had been broken and we were all vulnerable. I began deflecting several curses as Molly did the same. I saw Harry run toward Ginny but Remus stopped him.

"Go!" he yelled, pushing him backward. He collided with Ron and Hermione and they disapparated. I breathed a sigh of relief, though that was short lived as I suddenly came face-to-face with Rodolphus.

"Y/n... what are you doing?" he muttered, his eyes flashing to the wand in my hand, outstretched, and aimed directly at him.

"My job," I hissed, blocking a spell from Yaxley that was aimed at Molly behind me. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Following orders," he replied.


It wasn't long before the Death Eaters had rounded up those who remained and began their interrogations. They'd found the transfigured ghoul, appearing as Ron, in the upstairs Burrow, but no evidence of Harry or Hermione ever having been here.

Yaxley began with Molly, lifting her off the ground and placing his wand to her neck. "Tell us where the boy is," he growled.

"I don't know," she replied, calmly.

The next several hours were long and torturous as the Death Eaters questioned those that remained for any knowledge, but no one slipped up. No one gave anything away. When Yaxley reached me Macnair stopped him.

"I'll take this one," he hissed, lifting me off the ground, moving his lips close to my ear. "I spent two weeks being punished by your father... you're going to suffer for that." He moved away, pressing his wand to my neck and the Cruciatus curse ripped through me. I fell to my knees as the pain shot through every nerve. "Where is the boy?" he yelled as the pain intensified. There was a sharp slap to my face as he asked the question again but I said nothing.

"Macnair, are you out of your mind?" I heard Rodolphus yell. "These were not our orders!"

"You'll get us all killed!" Yaxley added.

"I'll kill you, you bastard!" Sirius shouted as Remus and Tonks held him back.

"That's enough, Macnair!" Rodolphus shouted before tackling him to the ground and the pain subsided. I collapsed, breathing heavily as Remus, Sirius, and Tonks ran over to me.

Tonks quickly moved in front of me as Rodolphus and Yaxley approached us.

"Don't be foolish, little girl," Yaxley hissed.

I placed a hand on her shoulder as Remus and Sirius helped me up, though Tonks wasn't moving. She stood up with us but remained in front of me. I could see Rodolphus punching Macnair before his body went limp and Rodolphus stood up.

"He'll be out for a few hours. We'll need to explain his disloyalty to the Dark Lord."

"Certainly," Yaxley replied. "He'll be most interested to hear about this betrayal. I suspect a second chance will not be offered."

"We'll monitor them carefully. They're not talking but eventually the boy will make contact."

Yaxley nodded in agreement before turning to Tonks. "Step aside. Y/n is coming with us."

"The hell she is," Sirius spat, moving his arm around my waist and pulling me close.

"I would stay silent, mut," Rodolphus growled. "You were supposed to be dead. Should we make that a reality?" He raised his wand.

"That's enough, Rodolphus," I hissed before turning to Sirius. "I'll be fine."

"Fine? Fine!? One of them just Crucioed you and you say you'll be fine!"

"He will be dealt with!" I retorted. "I have to go, Sirius. They're under orders."

"Well, you're not! I don't give a damn about their orders."

"Sirius, let go of me, now!" I yelled but his grip only got tighter.

"You're not going with them."

"I'm not staying here with you!" I yelled, pushing away from him. I turned to Yaxley and Rodolphus. "Can you give me a few minutes?"

"60 seconds," Yaxley replied as he and Rodolphus stepped out of the tent, bringing an unconscious Macnair with them.


"Quiet, Sirius!" I hissed, turning to Molly and Arthur. I pulled them both into a hug, my chin resting on their shoulders in a group hug fashion as I lowered my voice to barely a whisper. "Let the trio know you are all ok. Make sure they understand it's imperative they don't make contact. I may not see you all for a while. Take care of yourselves and stay out of trouble. I'll make contact when I can."

"Y/n, I don't like this," Molly whispered, her voice shaking.

"It'll be okay," I replied, gently squeezing her hand. "We have no choice." I turned to Arthur. "Make sure no one contacts me while I'm away. It won't be safe."

"Will we see you again?" Arthur asked.

"I hope so."

It was the only answer I could give that would be truthful. I hope to see them again but fate has a funny way of destroying hopes and, if things went wrong, I didn't want my last words to them to be a lie.

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