Chapter 12: Macnair

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"Then who the hell is inside my head?" I growled, growing angrier by the second. My eyes locked with my father, who quickly shook his head. I looked up at Severus but he seemed just as confused and I could see a hint of fear in his eyes. I was vulnerable, this we both knew, and it was going to be harder to keep the intruder at bay when I was in this state.


"It's not me, Y/n," she assured, holding her hands up.

Before anyone could say anything more my father had vanished from the room and returned just as quickly with Walden Macnair, whom I remembered from Buckbeak's execution, and the pull at the back of my head stopped.

"Explain yourself," my father hissed.

Macnair stuttered, his face red and eyes wide with fear. "M-my Lord... I-I I'm sorry... I was simply curious. I-I thought perhaps I could help."

"Lies!" Bella hissed. "You were simply curious and thought perhaps you could find a weakness to exploit. You make me sick!"

"I suggest you start talking," my father hissed as he threw Macnair to the floor.

"I-it's just that these days you seem to be so focused on that bitch!" he hissed, pointing a finger in my direction.

"Fuck you, Macnair!" I spat as Severus held me back and the lights flickered.

"My Lord... could you perhaps speak with Macnair in another room? I fear he may only add to Y/n's condition," Lucius reasoned. My father nodded before lifting Macnair off the ground and taking him out of the room as Lucius took my hands once again.

"It's alright, sweetheart. He's gone. The Dark Lord will ensure he's punished." He lowered his voice, moving closer to my ear. "Your secrets are safe."

I nodded but said nothing more as he looked to Severus, seeming to ask permission for something but I looked away, my skin buzzing and warm as the glow grew brighter. Before I knew what was happening Lucius had his arms wrapped around me and I felt another presence next to me. Narcissa's perfume surrounded me as another pair of arms wrapped around me.

"It's alright, sweetheart," Narcissa soothed as I felt her hand rubbing my back. Once again I felt my skin begin to burn but not in an entirely unpleasant way.

"It's okay... just let it out. You're safe."

A blue burst of light erupted from my chest just as it had in Severus's office as Minerva had held me.

"That's it, sweetheart... just let it out."

I sobbed against Lucius and Narcissa as an icy wind whipped through the room and the burning slowly subsided.

"It's okay... you will soon learn to control this, Y/n. I promise."

I looked up at Lucius, my legs feeling weak as if that burst of energy had taken a lot out of me and I could no longer stand.

"Y-you promise?" I asked him, my voice shaking.

"Yes, I promise. Bella and I will train you to control this. This can be fixed, sweetheart. I promise."

I nodded as my legs finally gave out and he held me upright. Severus rushed over, taking my shaking form from Lucius.

"It's alright, love. The worst of it is over for now. We're going to figure this out, darling."

I nodded, though I wasn't sure I fully believed his words but they provided a small comfort nonetheless.

My father reappeared in the room, his lips pressed into a thin line as his eyes locked with mine. "He will spend the remainder of the month in the basement. I will see to it he is punished severely each day."

I focused on keeping my legs steady as I stood up tall, afraid to show weakness in front of him.

"Are you alright?"

I nodded.

"Well," he chuckled. "This isn't quite the reunion I was hoping for you and our old friends."

"It's okay. I'm glad I got to see Bella again."

He smiled what seemed to be a genuine smile and I returned the gesture. Perhaps we'd be okay... somehow. Even if everything else was crumbling around me, at least I always knew this would be here... they would be here.

By the time we returned to Hogwarts I was exhausted from the day and Severus helped me to my chambers without anyone seeing us. He tucked me in, placing a kiss to the top of my forehead, before leaving the room.

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