Chapter 37: Malfoy Manor

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We arrived at Malfoy Manor and once again Mippy answered the door. She led us upstairs where Narcissa was waiting for us as Mippy had alerted her of our arrival.

"Where's Bella?" I asked her.

"The Dark Lord sent her on a mission."

"When will she be back?"

She and Severus shared a look I couldn't identify before Narcissa ordered Mippy to take my bag upstairs. The elf eagerly took the bag and scurried away as I turned to Narcissa.

"You didn't answer my question."

"She should be back any moment."

I nodded, no longer able to look at her as my eyes scanned the room. I took a breath. "I heard about what you did... after the fire." I kept my words vague as I spoke and my eyes finally met hers which were filled with tears. "Thank you," I whispered and she nodded.

"Can I..." she trailed off, struggling with the words. "Sweetheart, can I hug you?"

I nodded, tears slipping from my eyes as she crossed the room and embraced me. She pulled away just a moment, her finger pointing to her ear as she looked at Severus.

He nodded. "Muffliato," he muttered and Narcissa breathed a sigh of relief.

"I never wanted this for you, sweet Y/n... you are the closest thing I have to family... particularly who isn't involved in this... mess. I saw the look on your face when you returned that day... and when we learned of Draco's task. This isn't you, sweetheart. You are far too kind for this life."

I scoffed, a sad smile finding its way to my face. "Unfortunately it is now."

She shook her head slowly, a tear slipping down her cheek. "Listen to me, sweetheart... I assume you're here because of the deal with Severus and I-."

I pulled away from her, the admission reminding me of the purpose of my visit. "You realize what happens if he doesn't complete this mission, right?" I hissed. "You realize what happens if he does?"


"Someone I care about dies! Albus, Minerva, and Severus were there for me when no one else was! We were a family too! And because of you and your sister... Albus will be dead by the end of term."

"Based on the curse in his hand I suspect that was unavoidable."

Her words filled me with rage though I know she meant well. "We could've figured that out!" I hissed. "He should not have to die by Severus's hand!"

"Nor by Draco's!" she yelled, grasping my hands tightly. "He's my only son, Y/n... I can't lose him and I fear... I fear the Dark Lord will kill him if he fails."

"We could've dealt with that problem when it arose!" I yelled. "I would've taken care of him! Do you honestly think I would let Tom harm Draco?"

"Sweetheart... he's not the man you once knew..."

"I don't know him at all," I hissed. "I never did. It's not about whether or not I know him! It's about whether or not I would've let Draco be harmed and I'd die before I let that happen!"

"Sweetheart, what's gotten into you?... you're different." She gently squeezed my hands.

"You and your sister forced a deal that could very well get Severus killed!"

"Not if he follows through on this word."

I scoffed. "So either Albus dies or Severus does."

She nodded and I pulled my hands away from hers.

"Please alert me when Bella arrives," I hissed, turning away from her. I knew I was being cold but I was finding it hard to care as everything was slowly crumbling around me. Severus and I went upstairs to our room, awaiting Bella's arrival. I could feel my skin growing warm and I looked down, noticing a faint blue glow along my skin as Severus followed my gaze.

"Darling... I thought you had that under control... I thought Bella-."

I sighed, rubbing my hands together as I tried to recall my training but anytime I focused long enough on the training a rage would fill me as Bella's face flashed in my mind. I took a breath, centering myself as I tried to remember why I was here and slowly the blue began to fade.

Severus smiled as he watched me. "You're amazing, my darling."

I returned the smile, trying to ignore the pit in my stomach as Mippy knocked on our door, alerting us to Bella's arrival.

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