Chapter 65: 10 Minutes

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The next few weeks passed quickly and it was two days before term would start. My father pulled me aside, discussing the plan for me to retrieve my things from the Burrow before term began. Lucius and Narcissa had provided me with clothes in the meantime to keep me away from the Burrow but now it was unavoidable.

"I want to send Bellatrix and Lucius with you."

I scoffed. "And you don't think that'll raise suspicion? Sending two Death Eaters with me?"

"I'm not letting you go alone and I can't very well send Severus after he killed Dumbledore!"

"I can handle myself!"

"I don't doubt that, daughter! It's not about whether or not you can handle yourself! It's about whether or not I trust them and I don't! I will not put you at risk!"

"I won't be in any danger!"

"Why are you so against bringing Bella and Lucius?"

"Do you honestly think sending them into a house with blood-traitors is a good idea? She'll kill them and we need them alive in case the boy contacts them."

He seemed to think about this for a moment. "What if I sent Severus and he watched from outside."

"They'd see him."

"They'd see a Death Eater but they wouldn't know which one."

I sighed, knowing there was no way out of this. He wasn't going to let this go. "Fine," I relented. "But his mask stays on and he stays outside and away from the house."

My father nodded, smiling softly, as he ordered Mippy to go retrieve Severus. The elf returned moments later with Severus following closely behind her.

My father explained the plan and Severus listened carefully before agreeing. When my father finished speaking Severus took my hand and we apparated to the Burrow.


When I knocked on the Burrow door there was rustling before the door slowly opened and Arthur's wand was aimed directly at me. When his eyes locked with mine he relaxed and lowered his wand.

"It's Y/n!" he called and the Burrow filled with life as the Weasleys and Sirius came out of hiding.

Molly and Arthur greeted me warmly but as they hugged me I whispered to them: "We're being watched."

They looked behind me to see a Death Eater in a mask watching us carefully. I knew it was Severus but I simply wanted them to be aware of the man watching us closely as I worried they would get nervous if they saw him standing out there without any warning.

"What's going on?" Arthur asked, looking between me and the Death Eater.

"Tom has taken over Hogwarts and has appointed Severus as headmaster. The term starts in two days, as I'm sure you're aware, and he's sent me to collect my things."

"And the man outside?"

"He's just here for my protection. He's not coming in."

"Who is it?"

"I'm not allowed to say."

Arthur nodded in understanding and stepped to the side, closing the door behind us. Ginny rushed toward me and pulled me into a hug. I smiled down at her as we pulled away.

"Ginny, we should let her pack," Molly said softly. "We don't want to make her late."

I nodded and began packing. After maybe ten minutes there was a knock on the door and Arthur called to me.

"Y/n! Someone's here for you."

I latched the trunk and quickly ran down the stairs to find Severus standing in the doorway, the mask still covering his face. He tapped his wrist and I nodded. I was apparently taking too long.

"I'll be right out."

"We're being summoned," he growled, his voice much deeper and hardly recognizable. "It's been too long."

"It's been barely 10 minutes," I hissed.

"Too. Long," he hissed, carefully enunciating each word.

"I will be done in less than ten minutes. Now, leave," I hissed.

He nodded and stepped back from the door as I closed it behind him. "Accio trunk!" I called and my trunk came flying down the stairs as I turned to Molly, Arthur, and Ginny.

"When I'm at Hogwarts... things will be different," I said, making sure my voice was low. "I will not be the person you remember." I looked at Ginny.

"I understand," she said softly. "You'll be one of them... on the outside anyway."

I nodded and she hugged me one final time.

"If you... if you hear from Harry at all... just... just tell him I love him and to be safe."

Ginny nodded and I grabbed the handle of my trunk as Sirius grabbed my arm.

"Y/n, wait," he said softly and I turned to face him as he abruptly pulled me against his chest. "Please be safe this year, pup."

"You too, Pads," I replied, hugging him back before making my way toward the door. I stepped outside and Severus took my hand, apparating us back to Malfoy Manor.

When we reached the gate he stopped abruptly and turned me to face him, pressing his forehead against mine.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered but he shook his head, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Don't you dare apologize, my darling. You did everything right. It's as I said... we all have our parts to play and you're playing yours to perfection, my darling."

"I shouldn't have snapped at you like that."

"Hey." He gently lifted my chin before taking my hands. "Darling, that's what made it believable. You did nothing wrong." He kissed my forehead and we entered the manor.

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