Chapter 60: The Attack

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The wind shifted as I mounted my broom. The air felt colder and I looked around but the only one that seemed to notice was Remus. He smiled softly at me before Alastor began speaking and we turned our attention toward him.

"Y/n, you know your orders?"

I nodded and Alastor approached me. "Take care, Y/n," he said softly.

"You too, Alastor."

He nodded. "Off you go."

With that I pushed forward and my broom took off. It wasn't long before I saw Death Eater masks and flashes of green light as they attacked those behind me.

I pulled back, hovering in the air as several brooms shot forward. I saw Hagrid and Harry surge forward as two Death Eaters advanced on them.

"Stupefy!" I shouted, knocking one of the Death Eaters off their broom. I remembered Alastor's voice as he warned me this could happen. They'll be coming for us, Y/n... for him. Do whatever you can to stop them.

Hagrid and Harry disappeared from my view as I hear screams all around me. I see two Death Eaters advancing on Remus and George and I quickly fly toward them.

Y/n, it's me!

I heard Severus's voice in my head as I flew forward, blocking Remus and George.

Which one? I shouted back in my head.

A slight nod of his head was all I needed before raising my wand.

"Stupefy!" I shouted, aiming it at the second Death Eater as Severus flew away. I turned to see George's ear bleeding.

"Remus? What happened?"

"Snape!" he called back as more screams filled our ears.

"Go!" I yelled. Remus nodded and continued flying.

An ice filled my veins as several Death Eaters paused in midair and I knew what was coming.


My eyes locked with Severus for a brief moment, though all I could see was his mask. Don't do anything stupid.

I smiled sadly at his words before leaving him behind.

"You coward!" Alastor shouted and I turned my attention to where he and Mundungus should be but it was just him.

I watched as Tom raised his wand.

"No!" I screamed, knocking Alastor off his broom, instantly realizing my mistake. "He's mine!" I shouted to my father, quickly recovering from my slip. My father smirked as Alastor fell to the ground. I turned my broom down, nosediving toward Alastor as Tom disappeared from our view.

"Accio broom!" I shouted, pointing my wand toward Alastor's broom and it flew toward me as I flew below Alastor. Just before he could hit the ground I grabbed his hand and pulled my broom upwards as Alastor's broom swung beneath his legs.

He was breathing heavily as he regained his hold on his broom. "Ruddy insane, you are!" he exclaimed. "But bloody brilliant," he added, smiling at me as we slowly pulled our brooms upward.

"I'll meet you at the rendezvous point," I said to him.

"You be safe, Y/n. I may not always show it in the best way but you mean a lot to the Order. You're a good fighter and we'd hate to lose you."

"Thank you, Alastor." I smiled. He had always been a good friend and, even though the years had aged him, I could still see his protective nature coming through, even if it was in the gruffest of ways.

He nodded and soared forward as I began hovering in the sky. Bill and Fleur seemed to be the last pair as even the Death Eaters had moved on. I nodded to them and they continued forward as I waited for a brief moment to make sure everyone else was gone.

Once I was certain everyone was clear I made my way to the Burrow.

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