Chapter 41: Draco

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Severus and I urgently walked through the halls toward Minerva's office. As we entered the room I saw Harry, Hermione, and Ron standing in front of Minerva. She looked up, acknowledging us.

"Oh, Severus? Y/n? Thank goodness you've arrived." She gestured us to the front of the room where a necklace sat in a box. "I'd like you to have a look at this. Katie Bell had it in her possession and is now in the hospital wing." Her brow furrowed curiously at the photo album in my hands but she didn't mention it as Severus took out his wand and lifted the necklace.

"What do you think?" Minerva asked.

"I think..." Severus began as the necklace shimmered. "Ms. Bell is lucky to be alive."

"She was cursed, wasn't she?" Harry asked. "I know Katie... off the Quidditch Pitch, she wouldn't hurt a fly. If she was delivering that to Professor Dumbledore, she wasn't doing it knowingly."

"Yes, she was cursed," Minerva agreed as Severus placed the necklace back down.

"It was Malfoy," Harry hissed and I froze.

"That is a very serious accusation, Potter," Minerva replied as Severus and I turned around.

"Indeed," Severus drawled. "Your evidence?"

"I just know."

"You just... know," Severus hissed, his voice mocking Harry's. "Once again you astonish with your gifts, Potter... Gifts mere mortals can only dream of possessing. How grand it must be to be the Chosen One."

"That's enough," I hissed, my voice low as Minerva looked at Severus curiously before returning her gaze to the trio.

"I suggest you go back to your dormitories. All of you."

The trio reluctantly left the office as I turned back to the necklace.

"What are you thinking?" Severus murmured, placing his hands on my shoulders as I sighed.

"Katie was delivering this to Albus."

I felt his hair brush my cheek as he nodded and Minerva spoke.

"Do we truly believe Draco Malfoy is behind this?"

"I don't know what to believe anymore," I replied, knowing there wasn't much more I could say. Albus had forbidden us to speak of Draco's task with anyone, including Minerva.

"I'll alert Albus of this... whenever I see him again," she said, muttering that last part as we hadn't seen much of him this term. He would appear for a few days at a time, just long enough to pull Harry into his office for a secret lesson he refused to discuss with me, before he was off again.

We nodded and left the office, preparing for whatever the rest of the term would bring.


A few more weeks passed and Slughorn had invited Severus and I to his Slug-Club party. We arrived at the event and Severus gently squeezed my hand as we entered the room.

"Ah! Y/n! Severus!" Slughorn greeted as he stumbled toward us. "Welcome! Welcome!" He threw an arm around our shoulders as a photographer moved in front of us.

Smile, Sev.

He chuckled inside my head as I smiled and the photographer snapped a photo.

"Lovely to see you both!" Slughorn exclaimed. "I always knew you two would end up together."

Severus rolled his eyes at Slughorn's words, squeezing my hand, as Slughorn began dragging us toward Harry, gushing over his knowledge of potions.

"Draught of Living Death on the first try!" he exclaimed.

Severus glared at Harry, his brows furrowing curiously as he began discussing Harry's hope of becoming an Auror.

"I'm certain he will make a great Auror, Severus," I hissed in warning and Severus quickly grew quiet.

There was commotion at the back of the room as Filch dragged a struggling Draco Malfoy into the room.

"I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor," Filch eagerly explained. "He claims to have been invited to your party."

"Okay, okay. I was gatecrashing. Happy?" Draco hissed.

I could see Harry watching Severus curiously as he approached Draco. I could see the anger in his eyes, yet there was a slight hint of fear in them as well.

"I'll escort him out," Severus hissed as Filch released Draco.

"Certainly, Professor," Draco muttered, his voice filled with disdain. He looked at me briefly, his eyes filled with fear. "Y/n?"

I nodded, walking with him as Severus led us out of the party and into the corridor.

"Maybe I did hex that Bell girl. Maybe I didn't. What's it to you?" Draco hissed.

Suddenly Severus stopped and pushed Draco against the corridor wall. "You cannot afford mistakes, Draco, because if you are expelled-."

"I didn't have anything to do with it, alright!" Draco reasoned, his eyes frantically finding mine.

"Severus..." I placed a hand on his arm but he wasn't paying attention.

"I hope you are telling the truth, because it was both clumsy and foolish. Already you are suspected of having a hand in it!"

"Who suspects me?" Draco asked, angrily. "For the last time I didn't do it, okay?!" His eyes locked with Severus. "Don't look at me like that! I know what you're doing, I'm not stupid, but it won't work! I can stop you!"

Severus lowered his voice. "Ah... Aunt Bellatrix has been teaching you Occlumency, I see. What thoughts are you trying to conceal from your master, Draco?" he sneered.

"I'm not trying to conceal anything from him! I just don't want you butting in!" Draco hissed.

"Listen to me... I am trying to help you. I swore to your mother I would protect you! I made the Unbreakable Vow!"

"I don't need your protection! I was chosen for this! Out of all the others! Me! And I won't fail him."

Severus tilted his head. "You're afraid, Draco. You attempt to conceal it... but it's obvious." His voice was softer now. "Let me assist you."

"No!" Draco hissed. I was chosen! This is my moment!"

"Severus," I tried again. "Can you give us a minute?"

He hesitated for a moment before nodding and releasing Draco. "I'll meet you back at Slughorn's party."

I nodded and he left. I turned to Draco and I could see him struggling not to break. "Come here." I led him into an empty classroom and shut the door.

"I can't fail him, Y/n," he whispered.

"I know, sweetheart... I know."

He collapsed into my arms and I hugged him as he sobbed. "I don't know what to do. I don't want this... but if I fail... he'll punish us."

"I won't let him hurt you, Draco. I promise."

I held him tightly for a few moments as he sobbed. It had been a long time since I'd seen this side of him as the years had made him cold, but there was still a part of him that longed for his old life. There was a part of him that longed for the years when there was no Dark Lord and his family was whole... for the years when he was safe.

As I held him I vowed silently that I would protect him no matter what it took. He may not be my godson but he was supposed to be and I refused to let anything happen to him.

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