Chapter 11: What Do You Want?

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"Are you sure about this?" Minerva asked as she pulled me into a hug. We were standing just outside Hogwarts as Minerva hugged me. We both knew I would be back soon but we couldn't help the strange feeling that this was goodbye... the end of an era.

"No... but I have no choice. Albus was clear when he left."

She nodded in understanding before squeezing me one final time and turning to Severus. "Take care of our girl, Severus. I expect her back in one piece."

"Certainly, Minerva." There was a small smile on his lips but it didn't meet his eyes. His hand was shaking and I desperately wanted to hold him and promise everything would be fine, but we both knew that couldn't happen, not while Umbridge had eyes and ears everywhere.

Minerva nodded and Severus reached out his hand, taking a deep breath as he focused on not shaking. I took his hand, as if we were simply colleagues shaking hands and we apparated to Malfoy Manor. When we reached the gate I wrapped my arms around him and he relaxed into my touch.

"My darling... please know that everything I've ever done and will ever do... will always be to keep you safe."

"You're scaring me, Sev."

"I'm sorry, my love." He kissed my forehead. "I don't mean to scare you. I just... I want you to understand that no matter what happens... I love you."

"I love you too, Sev."

I tried to ignore the sinking feeling his words left me with as we approached the door and Severus knocked. Mippy answered the door and she seemed on edge, more so than usual, even for a house elf of the Malfoys. Her eyes locked with mine and her shoulders relaxed.

"Welcome, mistress. We've been waiting for you." She swept her arm to the side as she led me inside the manor, closing the door behind us. She led Severus and I up the familiar stairs, before announcing our arrival.

"Master Snape and Lady Y/n," she called and a hush fell over the room as several Death Eaters turned in our direction. My father stood from the table, gliding toward us.

"I was told you wouldn't be able to make this meeting, Severus."

"There was an incident with Dumbledore and the ministry, giving Y/n and I the perfect opportunity to slip away. She wanted to come see you," Severus explained calmly.

"She did?" He turned to me. "You did?"

I nodded and suddenly a familiar voice filled my ears. "Y/n?"

I turned to find Bella materializing in a cloud of black smoke.


She smiled and I was able to see how much her face had changed since her time in Azkaban. Her eyes were darker, her skin paler, yet she still held the same fire. Even Azkaban couldn't break her.

Severus squeezed my hand as she slowly approached, lifting her hand to my face.

"You grew up," she whispered as tears filled her eyes and I nodded. The last time she'd seen me was around 14 years ago when the Ministry had come to take her away. I suppose I'd changed a lot since then but so had she.

"Can I hug you?" she asked softly, as if she was afraid she might send me running with this simple question. I nodded and hugged her, finally feeling at home in a way I hadn't for a long time. "Everything will be fine, now. We're home... you're home," she assured me before pulling away and taking my hands in hers. "Lucius told me about what's been going on with you and your magic... we can help you, Y/n. We can train you so you never have to feel that fear again. You are more powerful than you know and you shouldn't be afraid of these abilities."

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