Chapter 34: Returning to Hogwarts

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Sirius continued to ask what had occurred the night I went for a walk and made Severus leave but I couldn't bring myself to have that conversation. It was all I could do to remember my training and keep my emotions in check, for I feared a burst of emotion this large could destroy the burrow.

Harry arrived and I had begged Sirius to keep the details of the state I was in when I arrived quiet, as well as the fight I'd had with Severus. He'd agreed, to which I was grateful. The dress I was wearing when I arrived had been stuffed to the bottom of my closet and I couldn't look at it, for it was a reminder of just how close I'd come to becoming one of them... if I hadn't already become exactly what they wanted.

The time finally arrived for me to return to Hogwarts and Minerva escorted me back to the grounds as Albus waited for us at the gates. He explained that Slughorn was taking over the potion's position and I would be his assistant, whereas Severus had been moved to Defense Against the Dark Arts. My eyes widened as he explained.

"Why? I-isn't that dangerous? That position doesn't exactly have the best track record."

"Severus is aware of the risks. I'm surprised he didn't speak with you about this." He raised a brow curiously.

I rolled my eyes. "We're not exactly on speaking terms right now."

He and Minerva paused as we entered the castle. "Are you two fighting?" Albus asked.

I scoffed. "I finally learned the truth of the prophecy about me."

For the first time in all the years I'd known him, Albus seemed speechless, unsure of exactly what to say. His eyes were searching mine carefully as he finally spoke.

"So you... you know then... the truth?"

"Which part?" I scoffed. "The part about you knowing my mother? The part about me potentially being the cause of the death and destruction of us all!?"

"Y/n... that's not what it-."

I scoffed, holding up my hand. "Yeah... right. It's my choice." My voice dripped with sarcasm as I spoke. "My mother and father had my fate sealed the minute I was born."

"Y/n... what are you saying?"

"No matter what I do... no matter how hard I fight... Tom Riddle is my father and there is nothing I can do to change that."

"Sweetheart," Minerva began, taking my hand. "You yourself said blood does not make a family. You get to choose who you want to be. No one else gets to decide that for you." She glared at Albus as she spoke before returning her gaze to me. "We never wanted you to find out about the prophecy this way... we just..." she trailed off, sighing.

"Did you intend to tell me at all?"

"Perhaps... in time... but we didn't want to add this pressure to you... Learning the truth about your family is difficult enough without the added pressure of knowing you may be the salvation the wizard world needs."

I scoffed. "I am no one's salvation, Albus. I bring death and destruction wherever I go."


We approached the Hogwarts gates and I saw Severus already waiting there, his eyes following my movements.

"Professor Snape," I greeted as we approached.

"Darling, please... just listen-."

"I have nothing to say to you," I hissed as I walked past him. He whispered something to Albus as Minerva walked with me into the castle.

"Y/n!" Albus called to me. "I'll need to see you in my office as soon as possible. Meet me there in 10 minutes." His eyes were wide as they flicked to Severus, a slight hint of fear within them.

I nodded, knowing it was pointless to argue and I entered the castle, dropping off my bag in my chambers before heading to Albus's office. If only I'd have known what was coming... I never would've gone to his office that day. I'd have left Hogwarts for good and taken Severus with me.

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