Chapter 43: The Attack on the Burrow

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Y/n's POV

As Tonks and Remus prepared to leave the Burrow for the evening Remus was looking outside, seeming on edge.

"It was delicious, Molly, really," Tonks says as she smiles.

"Remus?" I ask, slowly approaching him. I heard Tonks say something about the first night of the cycle being the worst but I wasn't paying attention. I placed a hand on his arm and he turned to me. "Remus, what's wrong?"

"Can't you feel it? The shift?"

I looked outside, sticking my hand outside the door and feeling the cool air on my skin. There was something sinister... yet almost familiar, in the air but I couldn't quite identify exactly what it was. Suddenly a burst of blue light appeared as a patronus arrived and Severus's voice filled my ears.

"Get out now!"

Remus pulled his wand from his jacket. "I knew something didn't feel right."

Suddenly I heard a whooshing sound as Bella arrived in front of the Burrow, a smirk on her face. She began running and Harry squeezed past us to run after her. He was still furious with her for nearly killing Sirius and he wanted revenge.

"Harry!" I yelled. I moved forward but Remus held me back, handing me to Molly and I felt her arms wrap around my waist.

"This is what they want. They want to lure her out of the house! Don't let go of her!"

Molly nodded and her grip tightened as I struggled against her and Arthur helped her hold me back. Remus ran into the reeds after Harry.

"Let me go, Molly!"

"I'm sorry, Y/n," she whispered. Suddenly a flash of red hair caught my attention as Ginny ran past us and into the reeds.

"Ginny!" Molly and I yelled but her grip didn't loosen as I struggled further and Arthur ran after Ginny. I could sense several Death Eaters swirling above us and an image of fire flashed in my mind as I could see the Burrow bursting into flames inside my head.

"Molly... we need to get the kids out!" I called to her. "They're going to set the place on fire!"

"What?" she shrieked. "How do you know?"

"I just know!"

Finally she loosened her grip on me and I turned to face her. "Go! I'll get the kids out!"

"Y/n..." I heard Greyback call to me. "You need to leave, now." His voice sounded almost sing-songy, taunting me as he spoke.

Molly froze in fear and I pushed her out of the Burrow just as a loud crash sounded from upstairs and the upper part of the burrow burst into flames. I began running upstairs as I heard Ron scream, before Fred and George called for help.

"Fred! George! Ron!"

"Y/n!" I heard one of the twins yell but I wasn't sure which one had called to me, though it didn't matter. I simply hoped they would all be near each other and we would make it out alive.

"Hey, Fenrir!" I yelled, knowing they were still close by. "When I'm dead, make sure you tell my father it was you and Bella that set the place on fire!"

With that I reached the top of the stairs and found Fred and George sitting next to Ron, who was laying on the ground. My eyes widened as I saw a collapsed piece of wood laying over his legs.

"You two, get downstairs, now!"

"We can't just leave you both!" Fred argued.

"Now, Fred! Go tell Molly what I'm dealing with but that we'll be down soon! It's best she knows what's happening or she'll run in here after all of us!"

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