Chapter 53: The Astronomy Tower

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Severus found me later that night, seeming particularly annoyed, or rather... disturbed. He knocked on the door to my chambers and I let him in, the door slamming behind him.

"Sev, what's going on?"

"The Dark Mark... it's appeared over the castle. It's going to happen tonight."

"No," I whispered, opening my curtains to find that the Dark Mark had indeed darkened the sky above the castle. A chill ran up my spine as he clutched my hand.

"Albus made me promise... it's tonight, Y/n... they're coming tonight... any minute now."

I turned to face him fully as tears filled his eyes.

"Promise me... no matter what happens tonight... promise me you'll still love me."

"That was never a question, Sev... I promise."

"You understand what will happen..."

"I understand, Sev... I understand what's to happen tonight and I also know that you are acting on Dumbledore's orders. I will not blame you for what happens tonight... even if it may seem that way."

He nodded in understanding, knowing that I would have to hate him publicly in order for the Order to believe I had nothing to do with Albus's murder. He pressed his lips to mine, grabbing me roughly and pressing me against the wall.

"Stay out of trouble," he murmured against my lips and I chuckled.

"When have I ever been able to do that?"

He smirked but his expression quickly became dark once again. "I mean it, darling. We will all have to play our parts and I fear... that you will have to play yours to perfection for this to work. You cannot let the Order know of Albus's plans... and your father cannot not know the truth of our loyalty. You cannot slip, darling... not even for a moment."

"I know, love... I know."

He kissed me once again before leaving the room, still holding my hand. "I suspect the boy will be there... he may need you to keep him calm... to keep him from doing something he may regret."

I nodded as we made our way to the Astronomy Tower. We found Harry standing below the tower and Severus kissed my cheek before leaving. Harry wrapped his arms around my waist as Severus disappeared from our view, heading up the stairs.

"Go on, Draco. Now!" Bella hissed just as Severus entered.

"No," he hissed, moving Draco out of the way. My heart was racing, knowing what was to come, and knowing there was nothing I could do to stop it.

"Severus... please," Albus whispered, though he wasn't begging for his life. Harry's grip around me grew tighter as Severus drew his wand and I knew Harry would never forgive me for trusting Severus.

"Avada Kedavra!" he called and a light shot out of his wand, hitting Albus in the chest. Harry's eyes widened and my hand moved over his mouth, muffling his screams as I held him back. I watched as Albus was sent backwards, falling to the ground below. Severus grabbed Draco as Bella began laughing and they left the tower.

Harry struggled against my grip. "I'll kill him!" he yelled.

"Harry, stop! You'll only get yourself killed!"

"I don't care!" he screamed, wriggling free from my grasp. He began running downstairs and I quickly followed him outside.

Remus and Minerva were each battling a Death Eater, though I wasn't exactly sure who they were up against as my attention was entirely focused on Harry. I feared what would happen if he reached Severus and more importantly Bellatrix. She would kill him on sight.

I could see Ginny fighting Amycus, who was giggling as he threw several hexes at her and she dodged them.

"Impedimenta!" Harry shouted and Amycus was slammed into a nearby wall. He continued running and we finally made it outside.

"Snape!" he screamed as we reached the Death Eaters approaching Hagrid's hut. "He trusted you!"

I saw Severus turn to Harry just as Bella ignited Hagrid's hut. My hand flew to my mouth as Hagrid yelled. "Fang's in there! Yer evil-!"

"Crucio!" Harry yelled, his wand aimed at Severus, who easily blocked the spell.

"No Unforgivable Curses from you, Potter," Severus sneered. "You haven't got the nerve or the ability."

I knew Severus could handle himself and that he wouldn't hurt Harry so I ran toward Hagrid's hut. "That's enough!" I yelled to Bella, standing between her and Hagrid.

"Go get Fang!" I called to him. "I've got this!"

Bella laughed maniacally. "It's good to see you, dear. Come to join us?"

I took a breath, relaxing my shoulders as I twirled my wand between my fingers. "Honestly, Bella. I'd have thought there were bigger fish to fry than the Hogwarts groundskeeper. And really? Setting his house aflame with an innocent animal inside?"

"Don't tell me you're going soft."

I scoffed. "I've always been this way, Bella. I draw the line at killing defenseless animals."

She rolled her eyes and turned to the fight ahead of her. She lifted her wand and Harry was sent flying backward, writhing in pain.

"No!" Severus and I yelled in unison, though he covered our tracks far quicker than I could as he continued. "Have you forgotten our orders? Potter belongs to the Dark Lord. We are to leave him! Go!" he shouted, but Harry wasn't giving up.


Severus blocked Harry's curse.

"Fight back, you coward!" Harry yelled as Hagrid emerged from his hut, holding Fang.

I turned to him. "Is he alright?"

He nodded.

"Good, now get out of here."

He hesitated.

"Get out of here! Go!"

"Can't jus' leave yers here!" he exclaimed.

"Don't. Call. Me. Coward!" Severus growled, sending Harry flying backward before approaching him and kicking Harry's wand out of his reach. I turned back to Hagrid. "Then go make sure Harry's ok."

He nodded and made his way toward Harry.

Severus began running toward Bella and I. "You can't come with us," he told me before grabbing my hand and lowering his voice just loud enough for Bella and I to hear. "Keep your cover." His lips gently brushed my ear, lowering his voice. "I love you so much." He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Now, push me away."

I nodded, knowing what he meant. "Why would I want to?" I hissed, shoving him away from me. "You killed Albus! I want nothing to do with you!"

I could see Harry slowly getting up as Hagrid approached him and they were both watching the situation carefully.

Bella turned to Severus, lowering her voice. "Why would she need to keep her cover? Albus is dead!"

Severus scoffed. "Because half of the Order resides within this castle and they aren't about to give up without a fight," he growled. "Her boyfriend just murdered the headmaster and they are less likely to trust her if she comes with us. The Dark Lord will appreciate having another one of us on the inside."

Bella rolled her eyes, knowing he was right. She said nothing more and began walking away as Severus turned to me.

"You know what you have to do, love... ensure the prophecy is fulfilled... the right way."

I nodded and he continued.

"Whatever you have to do, Y/n... they must trust you. No matter what it means for us... no matter what it means for me."

"I understand, Sev."

He sighed, smiling softly before following Bella. As much as we wanted to hug each other we both knew that couldn't happen... not anymore, not now that the war had begun.

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