Chapter 16: Voldemort's Daughter

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The next few moments seemed to pass in a blur as Umbridge took Harry and Hermione to find this so-called 'secret weapon.' The students were getting antsy and Ron kept looking at me as his fingers itched to grab his wand from Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad. I nodded and he quickly made up a story about some sweets in his pocket, to which the Inquisitorial Squad was quick to grab and eat. Puking Pastilles. I smiled as they began vomiting, before hollering at the DA students to grab their wands as I grabbed Harry and Hermione's wands and we made a run for it.

We reached Harry and Hermione crossing the bridge and he ran into my arms as Ron began explaining how we got away.

"Are you alright?" I asked them, searching for any signs of injury but they appeared mostly unharmed and they nodded in reply.

"We have to get to Sirius!" Harry exclaimed. "He's in danger!"

"Harry... we don't even know if what you saw was real."

"Aunt Y/n... I know what I saw... Sirius was there."

"Harry... for all we know, he could be using a false vision to get to you."

"I'm going, Aunt Y/n! I have to save Sirius! Are you coming with me or not?"

"Harry, I can't let you-."

"I'm going with or without you," he hissed before his eyes softened and he took my hand in his. "Please... come with me... at least if you're there we'll be safer."

"You're not going to let this go, are you?"

He shook his head fiercely. "It's Sirius's life, Aunt Y/n."

I sighed, knowing he was going to go whether I came with or not.

"I can't be seen, Harry. If the Death Eaters recognize me... it's over for the Order. I can't be seen with you."

Luna stepped forward, taking out her wand. "I might be able to help with that... my father and I were working on a concept for the Order but we thought it might be a little silly." She flicked her wand and a small white mask appeared, gold trim detailing the curves where the face would be. "We thought by using this we could protect your identity when you're fighting you-know-who. We're aware of your... situation," she explained. "I-it's not quite finished yet and there are some kinks we need to work out so it's not exactly a guarantee but... perhaps it could help. It's supposed to conceal your identity from anyone who's not an official member of the Order.."

My eyes filled with tears as I hugged her. "Thank you, Luna. It's wonderful."

She slowly raised the mask. "May I?"

I nodded and she placed it on my face. It stuck to my skin and I could feel my features changing as the skin moved, though it didn't hurt. She handed me a mirror and I gasped. The mask was gone and my face was replaced.

"Blimey!" Ron exclaimed. "You look like you but... different."

Luna chuckled. "That's the idea. Now, come on! I know how we can get to London."


I'd never expected Luna to say Thestrals as her idea and I never thought they'd be quite so beautiful. I knew of their legend and I'd seen death myself so it wasn't a surprise that I could see them but I never imagined them to be quite so beautiful. The ride to London was long and I could feel my fear rising as I worried this was the wrong thing to do. Was it smart to go exactly where my father wanted? Definitely not... but I knew Harry was going to go anyway and he might as well have an adult with him... or rather... them. We'd tried to talk the rest of the students out of coming with us as we knew the danger would be great but it was no use. Dumbldore's Army had no intention of sitting this one out.

We reached the Ministry, slipping through security before heading to the Department of Mysteries. An eeriness filled the air as we stepped through the door into a room filled with glass orbs, swirling with blue clouds in each one. Harry led us down to row 97 and I couldn't help but feel called somewhere else, just a few orbs down as we found no sign of Sirius.

"It has my name on it," Harry muttered as he grabbed a nearby orb and I cautiously made my way to the strange orb that seemed to be calling me. It lit up as my fingers ghosted the label underneath. Voldemort's Daughter.

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