Chapter 66: The Sword of Gryffindor

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The new term was off to quite a gloomy start. There were no joyful remarks by Dumbledore to kick off the year, no laughter in the halls, and definitely no speaking to staff without being spoken to and Severus was off-limits entirely. He mostly stayed in his office and away from everyone... everyone except me. The students could feel the shift in the air just as the staff could and everyone was on edge.

Severus and I were making our way to his office when we found Ginny carrying a concealed item down the stairs, followed closely by Luna and Neville. Severus paused in front of them, blocking their way as Amycus approached them from behind. Severus crossed his arms, a cruel smirk on his face. "Going somewhere?"

Neville swallowed thickly, his wand clenched tightly in his fist, his arm held over Luna and Ginny protectively. Amycus grabbed Luna and placed his wand against her neck.

"Luna!" Neville yelled.

I took a breath, trying to calm myself as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Now, now, Amycus," I chuckled. "We can't go around killing pure-blood children."

He rolled his eyes, ripping the wrapped object from Ginny, still holding his wand to Luna's throat. Neville stepped to the side, pushing Ginny behind him as I approached Amycus. I held out my hand to him and he placed the large item in my hand.

I tilted my head, raising a brow as I looked down at Luna before my gaze returned to Amycus. He rolled his eyes and let the girl go, pushing her forward. She stumbled and I caught her, giving her the briefest squeeze before grabbing her arm and dragging her away from Amycus. "I think we can handle this from here, Amycus," I said before turning my attention to the students. "Let's go," I hissed.

We made our way to Severus's office and he slammed the door behind us. "Have a seat," he growled, noticing the smashed case where the Sword of Gryffindor once was housed. I placed the item on Severus's desk and he unwrapped it, finding the Sword of Gryffindor beneath the cloth.

"What on Earth possessed you to do this?" I asked them but they said nothing.

Severus slammed his hand on his desk and the students jumped. "I believe Professor Y/l/n asked you a question," he growled.

"The DA lives," Neville replied, locking eyes with Severus before turning to me, his eyes softening. "The DA lives," he repeated.

"That's enough, Longbottom," Severus growled but Neville wasn't having it.

"I'm not afraid of you!" he hissed. "Not anymore! You may have taken the school but we know what you did! We know who you are!"

"Not another word!" Severus yelled, slamming his hand on the table. "100 points from each of you and you will spend tomorrow evening in the Forbidden Forest for detention."

The students exchanged a look as Severus continued. "Anything else you wish to say, Longbottom?"

"You're a coward," Neville hissed, lowly.

I knew he'd struck a nerve as Severus moved forward but I stopped him, placing a hand on his arm. Severus turned to me, his eyes flashing dangerously.

"Don't tell me you're going soft," he growled.

"Of course not," I replied, moving in front of him. "I simply thought it best to remember our job here is to educate, not harm."

"Our job is whatever he deems."

"Then I will answer to him but we've done enough for tonight. I'm sure Miss Lovegood, Miss Weasley, and Mr. Longbottom understand the gravity of their actions and nothing further will come from this incident," I said, turning to the three students, who nodded in reply.

"You'll meet Hagrid tomorrow at dusk. Now, get out," he growled and the students quickly stood and left the office, sparing me a quick glance before closing the door behind them. When the door latched in place Severus sighed and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"That was far too close, darling. If Amycus had chosen to punish them instead..."

I shook my head, placing my fingers over his lips. "Don't say it, Sev... don't speak like that. He didn't and that's all that matters."

He kissed my fingers before burying his face in my hair. "You are the only thing keeping me going right now, my darling. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You will never have to find out," I promised him.

Another promise I had no way of keeping. I seem to be making a lot of those lately.

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