Chapter 4: Laughing

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Memories of Severus and I standing outside the gates of Grimmauld Place flashed in my mind and my eyes widened. Lucius was getting too close to other memories... dangerous memories.

"Get the fuck out of my head!" I screamed as Sirius and Remus flashed in my mind. Before I even knew what was happening my hands lifted, blasting Lucius back as I collapsed into Severus's arms. "No!" I sobbed. "Don't touch me!" An icy wind blew through the room once more as the ground shook beneath my feet. Glass bottles shattered as the room shook and felt as if it was spinning around me.

"Lucius!" Severus hissed as Lucius stood up.

"I've withdrawn from her mind, Severus... I'm not there."

Severus nodded, turning back to me. "Darling... What can I do? How can I help?"

"I don't... Sev, I don't know what to do."

"Just let me help you, love," he answered. Lucius walked up behind Severus, standing next to him.

"I'm sorry, Y/n," he murmured. "I wasn't trying to harm you." He slowly stepped forward, reaching out a hand. "Just take my hand... I promise this will pass. Just let me help you."

Without waiting for me to reply he took my hand, pulling me against his chest as the room spun beneath my feet and my skin burned. A blast of energy shot out from Lucius and I, shaking the room as several glass bottles fell to the ground and I collapsed against Lucius's chest.

"I have you, sweet girl," he whispered against my hair as I screamed in pain.

After a few minutes the room stopped shaking, though the same couldn't be said for me. I clutched Lucius tightly as the glow of my skin slowly disappeared and my breath steadied.

"What the hell... was that?" I whispered, slowly pulling away from Lucius.

"That," Lucius began, a look of awe in his eyes. "That was your destiny."

"Could you be any more cryptic, Lucius?" I spat.

"It's just like he said," Lucius explained, being careful not to mention my father's name while in the presence of Albus and Minerva. "You are more powerful than you know and what we just saw... that was only a fraction of what you are capable of." He leaned closer. "We can train you, Y/n... you never have to feel that pain again. Bella will-."

"I think that's enough excitement for one day," Severus interrupted, moving next to me. He gently took my arm before turning to Lucius and Narcissa.

"Thank you for your assistance. I trust you can find your way back."

They nodded in reply and Severus led me out of the office, exhausted and more confused than ever.

That night Severus tucked me in, pressing his lips to my forehead. "Try to stay out of trouble while I'm with Harry," he whispered.

I chuckled softly, taking his hand and kissing it softly. "Take care of my godson."

"Always," he replied.


The next morning Severus told me Harry's lesson last night had produced unexpected results. Harry had discovered the door he was seeing in his visions led to the Department of Mysteries and was beginning to question exactly what the Order was guarding. I couldn't blame him for his curiosity but it was also dangerous. I was sitting in Severus's office, discussing the student workload this term, when I felt a strange flutter in my stomach. My eyes began clouding over as I saw Lucius smiling at my father, seeming particularly happy about something.

"A visit from an old friend," my father said, repeating the words I'd heard just a few short months ago. As quickly as the image appeared it was gone again as Ron burst into the room.

"Weasley!" Severus hissed. "What is the meaning of this?"

"I- I'm sorry, Professor." Ron turned to me. "You need to come quickly. Something's wrong with Harry."

My eyes widened and I quickly left the office, allowing Ron to lead me to the Gryffindor Common Room, where we found Harry laughing maniacally.

"Harry?" I asked, cautiously moving toward him.

"W-we weren't sure what to do. H-he was in a lot of pain and now... now he's just... laughing."

I nodded to Ron before crouching to the floor. "Harry?"

"Aunt Y/n!" he called, still smiling. When his eyes locked with mine I could see what Dumbledore had meant a few short weeks ago. I could practically see my father swimming behind his eyes and the thought made me sick to my stomach, but I tried to fight it.

"Yeah. It's me, Harry."

He looked around the room, as if suddenly realizing where he was. "He's happy," Harry said, lifting his hand to his scar, brushing the old wound that seemed to still be burning.

I nodded.

"I take it... you felt it too?"

Once again I nodded, for at this moment it was all I could do. I slowly began to see Harry again as my father disappeared from his eyes. I lifted Harry off the ground, helping him to his bed and tucking him in.

"Y/n... what's going to happen to me?"

"I don't know, Harry... I don't know," I answered, giving the only truthful answer I could, for I didn't know what would happen to him. I didn't know what was going to happen to any of us. What was my father so happy about and what was Lucius trying to tell me about Bella?

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