Chapter 64: Macnair's Betrayal

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"Time's up." Yaxley entered the tent and I nodded, walking toward him as Tonks and Remus held Sirius back.

I'm sorry, I mouthed before turning and leaving.

Yaxley and Rodolphus apparated us to Malfoy Manor and tossed Macnair in the middle of the floor.

"What is the meaning of this?" Tom yelled as he entered the room, quickly followed by Severus, Lucius, and Narcissa.

"He attacked Y/n, my Lord," Rodolphus explained.

Severus quickly crossed the room, lifting my chin. "Did he do this?" His fingers gently brushed my cheek and I nodded, tears slipping down my cheeks as he brushed them away and kissed my forehead.

"I'd like to be the one to kill him, my Lord," Severus said, his voice low and dangerous.

"Get in line," Rodolphus replied, smirking.

"It'll be a long line," Lucius hissed, glaring daggers at the unconscious Macnair.

"You shall all have your turn with Macnair," my father hissed, turning to Lucius. "Order the elf to bring him to the basement. I want him to suffer before he dies."

Lucius nodded before calling the small elf and she took the body away with a snap of her fingers.

"Severus, take her upstairs to rest," my father said.

"Of course, my Lord," Severus replied, leading me upstairs to our shared room.

He pushed open the door and helped me change into comfortable pajamas before laying me in bed, pulling the blankets over us both.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me.

"Tired and needy," I replied, to which he chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm right here, love. I always will be." He pressed his lips to my forehead, as if sealing his promise. I pressed myself closer, clutching his cloak and moving my arms beneath it. He chuckled softly, lifting the cloak and draping the edges around me as I burrowed against him.

"Closer," I mumbled.

His hand lifted to my face, gently pushing my hair behind my ear. "Darling, you couldn't possibly get any closer. You're practically on top of me. Not that I mind, of course." I could feel him smiling against my skin as he kissed my face. He gently lifted my chin, his thumb gently brushing the bruise forming on my cheek.

"May I heal this for you, love?"

I nodded and he pressed his lips to my cheek, muttering an incantation I didn't recognize and a cool sensation spread through my cheek as the skin returned to normal.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"Of course, my love." He brushed my cheek. "Are you feeling better?"

"A little."

"What can I do, darling?"

I shook my head, burying my face in his chest. "Don't let go."

"Never, my darling. Never," he promised. "I've got you."

I smiled as he pulled me closer and my leg rested over his thighs, my head on his chest, before falling asleep.


 The next morning I awoke and Severus wasn't in the bed. My hand met the cold sheets next to me, alerting me that he'd been gone for a while. I pulled off the blankets and climbed out of bed. I put on some clothes and pulled my hair out of my face before stepping out of the room. The hallway was dark and cold as I stepped out of the room and closed the door behind me. I could hear voices coming from the dining room and I made my way there.

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