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CW: they do it in the car after a concert

*Hwa is bottom, joong is top*

I'm pretty sure all seongjoong fans have seen this picture:

Let's imagine that hongjoong was saying something dirty to seonghwa🥵

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Let's imagine that hongjoong was saying something dirty to seonghwa🥵


All 8 idols were in the dressing room, getting ready to go on stage. They could already hear the cheers from the atinys waiting to see them, making everyone very hyped up. When the manager gave them the signal, they headed to the platform that would take them up to the stage.

"Joong-ah, since we're rooming together tonight, do you wanna...you know?" Seonghwa asked hongjoong before they went up.

"Do what?" Hongjoong replied bluntly.

"Ugh nevermind forget it."

Soon, they were blinded by the colourful stage lights, and the cheers were louder than ever. The concert went as usual, the members danced their hearts out, interacted with atinys, and would play dance challenges with them.

To be honest, hongjoong was dying to do it with seonghwa, but he was too focused on preparing himself for the stage earlier on, that he didn't get a chance to properly answer him.

He wanted to wait till they went back down the stage to tell him, but seeing seonghwa happily interacting with the fans and the fans screaming their lungs out, he suddenly felt the need to get it off his chest real bad. He stepped towards seonghwa, tapped on his shoulder and said into his ear: "I'm gonna rail you tonight, park seonghwa. Just you wait."

Seonghwa, who was still in the vibing mood, took a moment to process what he just heard. When it settled in, his smile turned into shock, he didn't expect hongjoong to say such a thing in the middle of a concert. He did everything he could to appear unfazed by hongjoong's words, knowing fans were already recording them.

He managed to distract himself till the end of the concert.

As soon as it was over, his mind filled with the images of himself being fucked by hongjoong. All he could think of was hongjoong hongjoong hongjoong. But he held back. When we get back to the hotel, I can do whatever I want with him, he thought.

The members changed their clothes and packed their things, before getting into the car.

"Park seonghwa, sit next to me," hongjoong said. Seonghwa scurried to sit next to him, his heart thumping faster and faster as he loved hearing hongjoong call him by his full name.
When he caught of whiff of hongjoong's perfume, he wanted to eat him right then and there. Well, that's all he could think about the next 5 minutes.

Out of nowhere it started to rain, causing a mild traffic jam on the way to the hotel.

Seonghwa's mind was full of explicit thoughts. He gulped non stop, eyes fixed out the window to try and think of something else. He couldn't do it.

He took a quick glance at hongjoong who was fumbling with the zipper of his jacket. They couldn't possibly do anything in the car, but maybe a kiss or two would help, right? Thankfully, the two of them, plus the driver, were the only ones in the car.

Seonghwa placed his hands on the middle seat and leaned towards hongjoong. He began kissing the younger's neck, purposely aiming at the bruise that he had created the previous session. He smiled at himself when hongjoong tensed up at the feeling of his warm breath on his neck.

"Seonghwa-ya...if you do that.."

"Sorry boys, the traffic jam has gotten worse, I'm gonna step out to check on the situation," the driver informed, before exiting the vehicle.

The two didn't know if the driver was being serious, or if he saw them from the mirror, but they didn't care. They were now alone in the car.

They unbuckled their seatbelts and seonghwa was on top of hongjoong in a matter of seconds. He lowered the seat so that they were laying almost flat, and continued to kiss the younger's neck, grinding his hips to let hongjoong feel his erection.

Hongjoong got the message. He took both their dicks out and began stroking them together. His hand wasn't big enough so seonghwa wrapped his around as well. The older was leaking so much that it was slippery, but it also meant they could move with ease. They just fucked into each other's hand, moaning into each other's ear.

Hongjoong wanted more, he wanted to rail seonghwa till he couldn't walk.

He sat up and put seonghwa in his place, back against the seat. He pulled the older's pants down just enough to expose his hole, watching it clench and unclench desperately.

"Hongjoong hurry..."

The younger quickly put his dick in, sparing no time to stretch seonghwa out. Their lips met as hongjoong penetrated deeper, searching for that one particular angle that made seonghwa-

"AGH! There! There..joong-ah..feels good," seonghwa moaned.

Hongjoong adjusted himself and thrusted at that very spot again and again, their skin slapping against each other, but the sound was drowned by the rain hitting the car and the horns from other vehicles stuck in the jam.

"You...You really want people to watch you getting fucked by me, don't you?" Hongjoong asked in a deep voice, moving seonghwa's hair away from his face.

"Y-yes! N-no! No!"

"Yes or no?"

Seonghwa closed his eyes and shook his head. He could feel the tears coming.

Hongjoong came after a few minutes, thrusting a bit more to fill him up before pulling out. He teased seonghwa's nipples, helping him to reach his orgasm, but it wasn't working.

The car door opened.

They scrambled to their seats, using their bags, jacket, anything to cover their exposed body.

"The traffic police are here, we should be moving soon, don't worry guys," their driver reassured them, placing his hands back on the wheel.

"Thanks, hyung," hongjoong said, bringing his seat back up.

He looked over at seonghwa who was still squirming in his seat. Now he was jerking himself off, whimpering a little too loud at times but hongjoong covered him up by coughing.

When he felt it coming, that's when he started to panic. He couldn't just cum in the car, it would squirt everywhere. He looked at hongjoong for help, pointing at his dick.

Hongjoong leaned down and opened his mouth, gesturing at seonghwa to release in his mouth.

Seonghwa hurriedly stroked himself and he came, cum spilling out into hongjoong's mouth. The younger swallowed everything, planting a kiss on seonghwa's dick before properly sitting up.

When they reached the hotel, the two boys ran out of the car, eager to go for round two.

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