sweet and spicy

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CW: handjob at the dinner table😏 and they have some fun in the kitchen afterwards + food play.

*Joong is top, hwa is bottom*

*Joong is top, hwa is bottom*

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"Hii thank you for coming!" The pair greeted their guests at the door. Since they moved into the new apartment, hongjoong and seonghwa arranged a dinner gathering with their families to thank them for their support. As the guests filed into the living room, hongjoong entertained them by giving a tour of the apartment, while seonghwa finished making the last bowl of noodles. He set the table before calling everyone to eat.

After thanking for the meal, the guests slurped on the noodles and helped themselves to the side dishes. The room filled with "mmm..." sounds of satisfaction, and seonghwa was so proud of himself and his cooking skills.

"Seonghwa, the food is amazing! I heard you got into culinary school, it must be a dream," hongjoong's mom said.

"Yes, thank you. I still find it hard to believe sometimes," seonghwa replied with a laugh.

"Son, you're husband cooks such good food for you everyday. Make sure to treat him from time to time."

"Oh don't worry mom. He gets plenty of that," hongjoong said with a smirk on his face.

The adults licked their plates clean, and out came the alcohol. They clinked their glasses, downing at least 3 shots per person in the next half an hour. They chatted with one another, telling stories from their childhoods and laughed at the embarrassing moments. Hongjoong couldn't really focus on the conversation. His eyes kept trailing off to seonghwa, who was debating whether or not he should take his third shot. He was the only one in the room who's glass was still full. Did I mention he wasn't a good drinker?

The alcohol seemed to make everyone loosen up, talk like long lost friends till they lost track of time. They turned on the TV and watched soccer games from the dining table, some of them went to the sofa.

At some point, seonghwa moved to sit next to hongjoong.

"Can I take one more shot, joongie please?" Seonghwa whispered, hugging hongjoong's arm.

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