bite my neck (ot8)

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CW: alternate universe🧛

*Hwa is top, joong is bottom*

*Hwa is top, joong is bottom*

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Six hungry vampires circled their next target; a petite looking boy with chocolate eyes and light brown hair, dressed in a black suit and tie round his neck. They'd found him walking along the streets that night, all alone, and when he shouted at them to get out of his way, the vampires had no choice but to take him with them to their 'home', an abandoned warehouse.

"What do you want from me?! I told you I don't have time to play your games, let me go!" Hongjoong yelled, his gaze shifting from one vampire to the next, locking with their deep pink eyes that pierced right through his soul.

The tallest one, Yunho, approached him with a creepily nice smile on his face, saying, "are you scared of us, dear boy?"

"Huh! Why would I be? Y'all are just a bunch of delinquents trying to make a fool of yourselves!" He scoffed.

"I really don't like it when you do that. Talk back. This isn't a joke, mind you. Wooyoung, strip him."

"WAIT WHA??" Before hongjoong could properly react, his clothes were completely off. The cold, damp floors touching his bare skin made him wince, but he continued to put on a brave face as the vampires were huddled by the side in discussion. He faintly heard something like: "who's going first?" and "looks like the feisty type."

When they were done arguing with each other, two vampires by the names wooyoung and yeosang respectively, dashed to the boy's side. Despite knowing what was about to come, hongjoong didn't try to escape, he just stayed on the floor.

One of the pale-faces got behind him and wrapped their muscular arms around his chest, breathing in his scent while sending chills down hongjoong's spine. Wooyoung, he managed to identify the other one, lay on his stomach in front of hongjoong and took the human's dick in his mouth.

He might've felt cold everywhere else, but wooyoung's mouth was warm enough to bring him a bit of comfort. The vampire skillfully lapped the length of his cock, teased the tip, before taking him whole again, sucking on his way up...then down. It felt so good that hongjoong's jaw slackened, hanging open to let the moans out. The second tallest vampire, mingi, took the opportunity to stand right above wooyoung and shove his dick into hongjoong's mouth. "That's it, suck as hard as you can sweetheart." He instructed, gripping onto the boy's hair while thrusting his hips.

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