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CW: quickie = blow job

*Guitarist hongjoong appreciation post because this is the hottest thing he's ever done at a concert*

*Guitarist hongjoong appreciation post because this is the hottest thing he's ever done at a concert*

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Hongjoong's fit

Hongjoong's fit

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Seonghwa's fit

When seonghwa entered the performance venue, red and purple lights flickered throughout the room. Most of the audience were already crowded around the stage, fighting to be in front. A soft melody played in the background, and there were buffet tables with all sorts of food and drinks at the back of the room, available for fans to help themselves to.

Seonghwa held the concert ticket tightly in his hand as he made his way to the VIP section, which was on the second level. It was like a loft, the flooring stopped just before the middle of the room, and if you looked over the railings, you'd get the perfect view of the stage.

Except, he was the only one there.

A little confused, he whipped out his phone and dialed hongjoong's number.

"Hello? Seonghwa are you here already?"

"Yeah I'm at the VIP section you mentioned. But where's everyone else? I can't be the only one up here."

"Oh no you have the whole area to yourself. You get an exclusive view of me from there," hongjoong replied.

"Wait what?? No wait-"

"Enjoy the concert, love you." And he hung up.

Seonghwa placed the phone back in his pocket and tried to calm down. This was the first time he was watching hongjoong's live performance with the rest of his band, so there was no doubt he felt nervous. But the whole purpose of attending it was to vibe along with the other fans, dance with them, feel the music. Now he just felt lonely on the loft.

Just then, the room went dark, causing everyone to go silent. Loud footsteps could be heard on the stage as the performers got in their positions. Seonghwa sat on the floor and wrapped his hands around the railings, watching through the gaps. The lights flashed back on, revealing that the spotlight was on hongjoong. The fog machine was also activated as he played the first note. It echoed across the room, sending chills down everyone's spine, before they broke into loud cheers and whistles.

Hongjoong was the front and centre of the stage, on either sides of him were the bassist and the keyboardist, behind them was the drummer. They played their instruments enthusiastically and with so much passion, hyping up the audience who were already grooving to the music. And seonghwa...he couldn't take his eyes off of his man.

He was dressed in all black, only his blonde hair and the white stars on his jacket making him identifiable when the lights dimmed. He held onto his electric guitar, strumming the strings like nobody's business. He would occasionally look up at the audience with a smirk or that seductive looking glare which made all the girls scream at the top of their lungs.

Seonghwa was screaming internally. Hongjoong's voice bounced off the walls as he sang into the microphone, his unique tone sounding so good with the drums. When seonghwa squinted his eyes to look closely at hongjoong's hands, he could see the veins that protruded with every strum of his fingers. They danced along the strings skillfully, making seonghwa's heart flutter like crazy. He quickly placed a palm over his open mouth to prevent a fly from going in. He felt like he was attacked, by a person's beauty. He always had a thing for musicians, specifically rockstars.

By the end of the concert, seonghwa was lost for words, and his legs were numb from sitting for so long. He got up with a wobble and made his way down this stairs to look for hongjoong.

He found him at the entrance of the venue thanking the fans for attending the concert, and took selfies with them. Seonghwa waited till most of them had left before going up to hongjoong.

"You are amazing. I loved every second of it. Here, I got you some flowers to congratulate you," he said, handing him a bouquet wrapped in pink paper.

"Thank love, I'm glad you enjoyed it," hongjoong said sincerely as he pulled his boyfriend into an embrace.

"Can..can I give you a well done kiss?" Seonghwa asked.

"Of course you can." And they locked their lips into a sweet but sensual kiss. They could hear people gasping, and whispering at each other, but they ignored them.

"Hyung, we booked a car to take us to the bar for drinks. It's arriving in 20 minutes. You two can join us if you want. And, just to let you know, the holding room backstage is empty," one of hongjoong's band members said.

"Thanks, we'll come along!" He gestured at his friend's, then turned back to face seonghwa. "We don't have to go with them, we can just stay here for a bit, in the holding room..."

Seonghwa took hongjoong's wrist in his hand and brought it down to his crotch, making him feel his erection. He got hard just from kissing. "We have 20 minutes, joongie, please help me," he begged.

Hongjoong didn't say a word, he hurriedly dragged them backstage and turned into the holding room, shutting and locking it behind them. The room was originally pretty spacious, but the band's instruments were still scattered round the room, including the drum set, so it look cluttered. He made seonghwa sit on the black couch and got on his knees between his boyfriend's legs. Hongjoong wasted no time to strip him from the waist down and close his mouth on his tip. He generated enough saliva in his mouth and dribbled it on seonghwa's dick, before taking him whole.

A low groan escaped seonghwa's lips as he grabbed onto a handful of hongjoong's beautiful blonde hair, pulling it in the same rhythm as hongjoong bopped his head on his dick. Hongjoong would tease the tip, balls and use his hand to stroke the shaft he couldn't reach. Seonghwa tightened the grip on his boyfriend's hair and bucked his hips upwards. He pushed hongjoong's head down and whimpered when he felt his dick touch the back of his throat, causing hongjoong to gag and grip his thighs. The sting in his scalp and the restriction of his airway made hongjoong whimper back.

Seonghwa looked at the clock on the wall. "8 mi-minutes left joong-ah, hurry," he urged, and hongjoong sucked him harder. He repeatedly licked a particular spot near his tip, keeping his teary eyes focused on seonghwa's, which were rolled back, and breathy moans filled the room. Seonghwa tried to tug hongjoong's head away when he felt like coming, but hongjoong wrapped his arms around his waist, fixing himself there as cum shot down his throat in never-ending ropes. He pulled off with a wet 'pop' sound, and allowed the rest of the white ribbons to land on his face.

They checked the time, 5 minutes left, just enough for them to have a heated make out session. Seonghwa put his clothes back on and hongjoong straddled his lap, connecting their lips once more.

"You were really hot on stage. Like really hot, I was sweating so much," seonghwa panted.

"I worked hard to give my fans the best performance they'd ever seen. So much that my fingers are swollen," hongjoong sulked, holding up his fingers to show seonghwa, who immediately took them in his mouth and used his tongue to gently prod them. Hongjoong hummed at the warm soothing feeling around his fingers.

They checked the time again, 1 minute left. "Let's go, baby."

They stepped off the couch, and just before seonghwa unlocked the door, hongjoong stopped him.

"Do I have anything left on my face?" He asked, and seonghwa checked him one more time before shaking his head.
Then they left the room to join their friends.

They celebrated the band's successful concert with lots of alcohol, and seonghwa returned his boyfriend the favour in the alleyway behind the bar.

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