obsessed with you

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Happy birthday seonghwa!🩷🎂🎉🎀 Here's a story of the night seongjoong fell in love.

CW: slow burn, seongjoong pussy, fluffy and smutty, very delulu
-If you're uncomfortable with this, do not read.
I had to write a fanfic with seonghwa in that black sparkly dress😫

*Written in hongjoong's pov*

It was a chilly Wednesday night in the city

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It was a chilly Wednesday night in the city. I had plans to visit a new 24 hr club that just opened the week before. It'd been a while since the last time I dressed up and treated myself to drinks, so this was the perfect opportunity for me to do so. Since it was a weekday, most of my friends were working till late, therefore I decided to just go alone. I put on my favourite black blouse with sheer sleeves, pants, and a silver beaded necklace. As for my hair, I kept it simple, straight and flowy. Once I felt ready, I left my apartment and headed towards the club.

I didn't expect it to be as crowded as it was, but considering that this club was newly opened and had very good reviews so far, I shouldn't have been surprised.

The first thing I did was explore the place. The layout of the club was pretty straightforward; there were multiple bars, a dance floor in the middle, a stage in one corner, and private rooms in another. I found a seat at one of the counters and ordered a drink.

This club played a lot of kpop songs, one after the other, the clubbers cheering louder with each song. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to dance or sing my heart out. They played some really good songs, but I would never head to the dance floor on my own, especially without my friends by my side.

After just interacting with two people, the bartender and the guy at the front desk, I started feeling my social battery die down. Time to go home. I debated whether I should stay for one more song, maybe muster up the courage to dance? No, it's too embarrassing, I thought to myself.

Red and purple lights continued to flash and flicker across the room as I sat uncomfortably in my seat, unable to make a decision. I must've looked very disturbed, because somone asked me if I was okay.

"Oh I'm fine, just-" I looked up to face the person that was talking to me, and I was met with the most beautiful man I'd ever seen in my life. His hair was slicked back, and he was wearing a stunning black sparkly dress with pants underneath. Man, I nearly folded at the sight of the dress hugging him at all the right parts. His hair was also a little long in the back, and I imagined myself pulling on it while moaning his name. Also, not to mention how good this guy smelt. Black opium, I guessed. It made me want to devour him right then and there. But I held back.

He must've noticed that I was staring at him. "Can I get you a drink?"

No...I was gonna go home, wasn't I?

"Sure! If you'd like," I replied.

He sat down next to me and signalled for the bartender. Meanwhile I tried my very best to dry the sweat that kept forming around my armpits.

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