your majesty: part 2🤴

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CW: fantasy world + hwa pussy + princess treatment+ squirting, he wishes to become an ordinary person (not part of royalty), and the universe grants his wish. Sorry this story is kinda weird.

*Joong is top, hwa is bottom*

"Wa-wait, your majesty, we can't be doing this," hongjoong persuaded.

"I want to...I think I like you. And stop calling me your majesty, I'm just a prince."

"Whatever, prince hwa. Still, I'm the last person you want to fall for."

Seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows, lips turning downwards, eyes glistening in the moonlight. "Come with me."

The prince snuck the boy back to his room through the back door. He gave him a bubble bath and a fresh set of pajamas to wear, the pants a little too long on hongjoong but he didn't mind. Then, they sat at the window seat, facing each other.

Seonghwa told hongjoong how he fell for him. It was weird, having a prince tell you they liked you, when you were just a soldier, a male soldier, especially. "Prince hwa, you know I like you too, I like people like you. But since the day I met you, all I wanted to do was to-"

"Take my virginity," seonghwa interrupted, completing hongjoong's sentence for him.

"Uh...yes," hongjoong said, ashamed of himself.

"I've been waiting for years. I want to do it, please."

"Look, if you want to have sex with me of course I'll say yes. But think about what happens after. There is no way we can go out, you and I will both get killed, just like in the movies."

"We can keep it a secret!"

"And ruin your reputation? Someone will find out, and I don't want to go through the consequences. I don't want you to go through that either. I better go now before someone walks in."

The boy left, leaving the prince in pieces.

He missed hongjoong so so much. To the point where he masturbated thinking about him. And seonghwa wasn't the type of prince to do such a thing. He spent most of his time studying, practicing his sword skills, or chilling with his brothers. There was no time to think about love, sex, crush, partner. And he hated this sort of life.

One night, during a full moon, the prince made a wish under the stars:
"I wish to become a female soldier."

He went to bed after that.

In the morning, he woke up, looking around, he realised that he wasn't in his bedroom. He was lying on a large rock at the beach. Seonghwa ran to the ocean and looked at his reflection in the clear waters. His face didn't look any different, strange. Did the wish thing not work? He then moved his hand to feel his body. He had breasts! Not huge ones but they were there. He touched his crotch, feeling for the bump, but it wasn't there...


Seonghwa jumped with joy, kicking his feet to splash the water. Then he remembered, hongjoong.

He went to the sixth house from the village entrance, where hongjoong said he'd found a place there. He knocked on the door.

The boy answered, jaw falling to the floor when he saw seonghwa.

"Oh my gosh, prince hwa, hi! Oh, your sword is different.
And you have...bOObs? WHAT IS HAPPENING??!!"

Seonghwa told the boy everything.

"Wait, then where's prince hwa? Like is there a body or-"

"I don't know. I don't know how this stuff works. I just know I want you, please," seonghwa pleaded, he could already feel his pussy pulsating.

He stood up and knelt on the floor between hongjoong's legs. "Pretty pleaseee?" He echoed, exactly the way hongjoong said it when he was locked in the cell.

The boy held seonghwa's chin in one hand and lifted his face, then he whispered: "okay princess, you asked for it."

They went to hongjoong's bedroom. It wasn't pleasant at all, small, barely any furniture, and there was a funny odour in the room. The boy searched for his bottle of lube. Meanwhile seonghwa's eyes fell on the study table. He walked up to it and began humping against the corner of the table.

Shit why does that feel so good? He thought.

He didn't realise that hongjoong was now standing behind him. He smacked seonghwa's ass forcefully, disappointed at how soft the sound was, so he lifted seonghwa's skirt and smacked it again. He reached his hands underneath his skirt and when he found his underwear, they were stripped to the floor.

Seonghwa let out a whimper as the cooler air brushed against his sensitive pussy.

"Put one leg on the table, let me see you."

Seonghwa did just that, holding up his skirt for hongjoong. The boy's eyes lingered on his clean pussy for a while, before using his tongue to lick the outer lips. He went in circles, from outside to inside, then he brought one hand up to stimulate hwa's clit. His other hand was palming himself through his pants.

Gosh, seonghwa was so sensitive. Every touch made him shiver, goosebumps trailing his skin, and moans leaving his lips. Expected of someone who'd never done it before.

When he stuck his tongue in, seonghwa cried out his name. "Hongjoong! Aaah...don't stop," he begged.

The boy continued to plessure his princess, at the same time, he was stroking himself. Suddenly, the boy's licking slowed, he panted heavily, his face pulled away and dropped with embarrassment.

"Wait, why did you stopp, hongjoong?" Seonghwa asked, looking at the boy on the floor. He could faintly make out a wet spot on his pants. But before he could question about that, hongjoong got to his feet. "On the table, now."

They got into position, seonghwa lying on the table, one leg supported on hongjoong's shoulder. From this angle, seonghwa could see his pants better.
"You ejaculated, didn't you? How quick, what a pity," he mocked.

Hongjoong was fuming at hwa's words. He planted another smack on his ass.
"You're a very naughty princess. But I'm a nice prince, and I will fill you up and make you feel so good that you will never forget me, understand?"

Seonghwa nodded, then proceeded to touch himself again. Hongjoong swatted his hand away. He poured some lube on the area before placing a vibrator on his clit, telling hwa to hold it there.

He put on a condom, and lined his dick along seonghwa's pussy. Then he pushed it in. Seonghwa cried from the pain, not being familiar with the feeling of something up there. But the pain gradually turned into the plessure as hongjoong penetrated him, the vibrator as the cherry on top. Hongjoong would occasionally smack his ass, he had to teach his princess a lesson.

He used his other hand to roam seonghwa's body (he was still wearing his clothes). He undid the corset and unbottoned seonghwa's shirt, his luscious looking breasts bouncing up and down as he thrusted. Hwa's waist was so tiny, he gently caressed the sides.

"Hongjoong...I wanna see you too," he said, and the boy took the top half of his clothes off. Seonghwa admired his muscles, the veins on his neck, and the deep v line that led to his dick, which was visible to him. He adjusted the hand holding the vibrator to watch hongjoong's cock go in and out, making him so turned on; he'd never watched porn before.

Not long after, hongjoong felt his orgasm approaching. He pulled out, ripped the condom off and jerked himself till he came on seonghwa's abdomen. The princess watched as long white ropes spilled out, it was the most fascinating thing he'd ever seen.

With the vibrator still on, hongjoong used two fingers to thrust seonghwa's pussy. He curled his fingers, searching for hwa's G-spot, and when he found it, the princess began squirting everywhere. "There you go, let it out princess."

He screamed in pleasure, covering hongjoong in wetness.

When the squirting stopped, hongjoong turned off the vibrator and soothed seonghwa by rubbing the leg on his shoulder and kissing it.

"My lovely princess, you did so good for me," he praised.

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