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CW: exhibitionism

*Today's chapter is based on a fanart by @ddecnghwcrt on X (posted on 23 Dec), but I'm not able to share the image because of the guidelines*

*Today's chapter is based on a fanart by @ddecnghwcrt on X (posted on 23 Dec), but I'm not able to share the image because of the guidelines*

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Seonghwa's fit

Hongjoong's fit

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Hongjoong's fit

Hongjoong has a sex fantasy.

It's something he could achieve on his own, but it wouldn't be as exciting compared to if someone else joined him.

He wants to hook up on the hood of a car. But not just that, he wants to do it in front of other people, show off, display it, even if it'll get them gossiping about him for the rest of his life.

The filming of crazy form was in a few days, and he was aware that there would be a car involved in his scene of the music video. This was his chance. He went to seonghwa's room one morning to talk to him about his plan.

"That does sound hot. But the part about doing it in front of people...I'm sorry but that's putting me off," seonghwa responded.

Hongjoong dropped his head in disappointment.

"But I would do it for you," seonghwa continued.

"What? You would??"

"Yeah I would. I love you, and if there's a certain way you want to make love with me, I can't say no."

Hongjoong thought he was gonna break down into tears at that very moment. His boyfriend was always so understanding. "Oh...seonghwa I love you too. I have an idea. Since they're filming your scene before mine, right after you're done with yours, meet me at this location," he said, handing seonghwa a piece of paper with some scribbles on it. "We have less than an hour to do it before the staff will arrive to film mine. Then it'd just be the thought of getting seen, not actually getting seen."

They hugged each other.
"Okay joong-ah, let's do this."

Soon it was the filming day and everything's was going well. Seonghwa finished with his scene, and hongjoong waited for him at his filming location, it was a long alleyway with twists and turns. The staff had already set up the props.

When hongjoong checked his phone, he realised that seonghwa was running late. He squatted nervously next to the car, watching the time fly by, they had fewer and fewer minutes to carry out the act.

Then he heard huffs and quick footsteps coming from one of the lanes. Seonghwa was running, almost knocking into hongjoong as he turned round the corner. "Sorry!! I'm sorry, joong-ah. I got caught up with something!" Seonghwa apologised, still struggling to catch his breath.

"Hey hey it's alright. We have half an hour, it's enough time. Right?"

"Yeah," he panted. "Come on, get on your knees." Seonghwa said, wiping the sweat on his face.

The younger knelt down, bringing seonghwa's bottoms with him, they pooled at his ankles. He unbottoned seonghwa's white top and slid one hand underneath to fondle with his pecs and nipples, before reaching up to lick his exposed armpits; it was cool and salty from the sweat. It didn't take long for seonghwa's member to spring upwards. The older pumped himself till he was fully erect, and fed it into hongjoong's mouth.

"Mmm..." Hongjoong hummed as he relished seonghwa's big fat cock. He also unbottoned his jacket, but let it slide past his shoulders and rest on his forearm. That way, seonghwa had a view of hongjoong's distinguishable collarbones and nipple piercings.

Everytime hongjoong reached the head he'd suck harder, taking in the soft moans escaping his partner's lips. Then he let the leaking tip venture into his throat.

With one hand massaging his balls, and the other tickling his armpits, hongjoong let seonghwa fuck his face. He could feel the older tugging at his hair and his breathing quickening, signalling that he was close.

When he felt the first rope shoot down his throat, he took his partner's dick out of his mouth and aimed it at his face. Seonghwa shuddered, his hips bucked up and his veins protruded as cum spurted out, landing across hongjoong's flushed face and chest. It slowly began to drop down.

"You did so good for me. Now strip. Move to the car," seonghwa instructed.

The older slipped out his pants and boxers and flung them to the side with his foot. Then he joined hongjoong, who was already at the hood of the black car.

"May I?" He asked, and hongjoong nodded.

He placed one hand on hongjoong's waist and stroked himself while staring at his beautifully round peaches.

He stretched the younger with a few fingers before putting in his hardened member. Both of them moaned at the tightness, and hongjoong began rubbing his dick on the shiny metal, his hands on either side for support.

Right at that moment, they heard muffled voices from the same lane that seonghwa had come running from.

"People are coming, baby. Don't come too soon, remember?"

Hongjoong responded with a timid yes, his voice cracking as seonghwa suddenly thrusted into him. He looked down at his leaking cock, the adrenaline making him very turned on, and he shut his eyes, his body fighting the urge to release.

When he lifted his head, he had eye contact with one of the male staff, who was standing in a corner holding a box of water bottles, staring at the pair.

That wasn't enough, hongjoong wanted more people to watch them. He prayed more staff would show up right then.

His prayers were answered.

The filming crew appeared in the corner of his eye. They immediately stopped in their tracks as soon as they saw what was going on.

Seonghwa also spotted them. He grabbed hongjoong's neck, pulling his body up against his own and slammed them together. Hongjoong wasn't even paying attention to the audience anymore, but he could sense that they were taking pictures of him with their phones. He wrapped his hand around his cock and fucked into it. As soon as he felt cum flow into his hole, he too, came sharply, a loud gasp leaving his lips as pretty white ribbons splattered onto the car.

They were sort of in the middle of nowhere; no restroom to clean up, no sitting area to rest. They put their clothes back on and embraced each other.

"I'm scared..."Hongjoong mumbled.

"Shh it's okay. I'll smack anyone who dares to talk about this." Seonghwa reassured, giving his partner pats on the back.

When they let go, seonghwa confidently approached the makeup artist that just arrived and asked for tissues. She didn't know why, of course.

Just as hongjoong was about to apologise to the staff, he heard someone yelling his name.


He jostled awake. Seonghwa was looking at him with a concerned expression on his face.

"You had a wet dream, I think," the older said, pointing at his damp pants.

It was a fucking dream.

"You still wanna carry out the plan tomorrow?"

"NO!!!" Hongjoong cried, burying his face in his palms and thanking the universe that it was just a dream.

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