in the mountains⛰️

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CW: omorashi, outdoor sex. Do not read if you're uncomfortable with this.

*Joong is top, hwa is bottom*

"Seonghwaaa are you ready? Let's get going, the driver is waiting for us!" Hongjoong called out, he was already standing on the porch, wearing his hiking bag and looking at his watch.

He heard loud pants as seonghwa jogged out of the house, closing and locking the door behind him.

"Sweetie don't tire yourself out so soon, we haven't even reached the mountain."

They hopped into the car and was on their way. Mountain hiking wasn't new to either of them. Hongjoong loved the outdoors, he enjoyed the fitness part of it: running, hiking and cycling. Seonghwa was more into nature, he would marvel at the towering trees above him and felt very comfortable in outdoor settings like the mountains. Together, they'd been on two other hiking trips prior to this one.

"I read that you even can rent bikes to cycle down the hill!"
"Really?? Oh that's sounds so much fun I can't wait!!" The pair couldn't keep their mouth shut the whole journey, excited for the adventure that awaited them.

It was a long ride, before the car finally pulled over at the hike entrance. After paying the driver, they alighted.

"That is freaking amazing..."seonghwa was staring at the view. From where they were standing, if you looked up you could see the summit, lush greenery surrounding the hillside. The mountain wasn't very high, but it was wide, with gentle slopes that would take several hours to climb.

"It's a long way to go bub, we got this." Hongjoong said reassuringly, taking the older's hand in his as they began their hike.

The pathway was relatively smooth, with rope railings installed along each side of the path for hikers to grip on.

Hongjoong set up his hiking stick and handed it to seonghwa, figuring he'd need it more. They climbed, step by step, pausing to take photos and have a closer look at the leaves that fell from the trees.

Everything was going well when the out of the blue, the sun emerged from behind the clouds, reflecting strong sun rays all around them. The pair stopped to put on their caps and have a drink, knowing the importance of hydration when exercising under the hot sun.

Seonghwa drank a LOT, he also sweat a lot, causing his cap to quickly become wet and uncomfortable to wear. He took it off and hung it back on his backpack.

"Seonghwa, wear your hat. You don't want to damage your skin." Hongjoong urged, but seonghwa protested, insisting on using his hand to shield his face.

They were about three quarters up the mountain when the older boy felt pressure building up down there.

No way...

He ignored it, guessing that there would be a washroom at the summit. What was he thinking? They were on a fucking mountain. He could just go in the bushes. No, stop thinking about it, just keep climbing.

Seonghwa didn't want to drink any more water, fearing it would make things worse, but his throat was parched.

His partner noticed that he'd stopped talking, eyes fixed to the ground as if he were thinking hard about something.
"Seonghwa, you okay?"
He jumped at hongjoong's sudden question, tightening his grip on the hiking stick and nodding, still not a word. As long as he didn't speak, his mouth wouldn't dry up.

His plan didn't last very long. He could feel himself growing weak without water so he took his bottle and gulped as much as he needed till the parched feeling went away.

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