breed me

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CW: omegaverse, breeding kink, mpreg. Do not read if you're uncomfortable with this.
I'm still new to writing this type of fanfic, so bear with me if it's weird.

*Alpha joong, omega hwa*

Seonghwa's heat was nearing, he could feel it. He was sweating more than usual, and constantly yearned for hongjoong, who could also smell his attractive scent calling out to him.

He tossed and turned in the nest as he waited for hongjoong to come home. When he finally did, they immediately cuddled together.

"Oh my, you're so warm. Hydrate, baby." Hongjoong said, feeding the cup straw to his omega. The entire room was engulfed in seonghwa's sweet scent, and hongjoong burned with the desire to mate with him.

"Hongjoong...can we have pups?" Seonghwa suddenly asked.

"Gosh, yes! Of course we can if you want to. Are you ready for that?"

"I am, I want your pups, I want you."

That night, seonghwa woke up from the feeling of something dripping down his legs. His slick. He sat up in the nest only to find hongjoong already looking at him fondly. "Sorry, I didn't wanna touch you while you were still sleeping."

"I need you."

Hongjoong climbed over to seonghwa's side. His scent travelled up his nose, seeped into his blood, and made his member erect. He gently removed their clothes but left seonghwa's top on because he still had a fever. Then he watched his omega's slick pour from his hole, which he quickly dove to lick it up. "You taste so good, baby. I'm gonna fill you with my seed, breed you, is that okay?"

Seonghwa nodded. The idea of mating with hongjoong, knotting him, getting him pregnant, made him so aroused that more slick escaped.

Hongjoong lined himself along seonghwa's entrance and slowly pushed in. The moonlight that shone through the window was just enough to reveal seonghwa's desperate expression; the sweat that beaded on his forehead, his lips slightly parted. He placed his hands on the omega's hips and thrusted against it. Occasionally, he'd lean forward to plant kisses on his neck. Every breath that he took felt like heaven, and it was driving him crazy, greedy, maybe a little aggressive.

He pounded into the omega, feeling his knot getting closer.

"A-alpha, feels weird," seonghwa moaned.

"I know baby, but that means it's working," hongjoong replied.

They lasted a few more minutes, before hongjoong knotted, his seed spilling into the tunnel. There was a bulge in seonghwa's tummy, and the pair looked at each other with eyes full of hope. They stayed like that for a bit, until hongjoong was finished and the swelling went down, then he pulled out.

The next morning, seonghwa took a pregnancy test. They stared at the stick, anxiously waiting for the results, and when it finally appeared, they were lost for words. It was negative.

", it didn'" Seonghwa choked out a sob, before dropping to the floor in tears.

Hongjoong felt the pain too, he wrapped his arms around the omega and comforted him. "It's okay, we can try again. Your heat isn't over yet, hm?"

"Mhmm. But...but what if it doesn't work again? I really want pups."

"Then we'll keep trying, and trying until it does. Don't give up."

They didn't try again that night; hongjoong made sure seonghwa got lots of rest, and took care of the vulnerable omega. He had feeling that the reason why it didn't work the first time was due to seonghwa's weak state.

A couple of days later, when hongjoong came home, he was hit by a whiff of seonghwa's scent. Except it was much stronger, almost potent. He rushed to the room to find seonghwa fingering himself in the nest, a large pool of slick forming underneath.

Seonghwa, who sensed his alpha's presence, begged him to help him.

They did things a little differently this time; all clothes were taken off, and they didn't rush through it. Hongjoong carefully removed seonghwa's fingers. The empty feeling caused the omega to whimper, so he quickly replaced them with his hardened member.

"We're gonna have pups, baby. I promise," he breathed.

"I'd love that, alpha. Breed me, please."

Hongjoong marked seonghwa's neck, from the base to the jawline, relishing every inch of the scent glands that sent his head into a whirl of spirals. He propped seonghwa's legs on his shoulders and thrusted as deep as he could, more and more slick was produced, and the pleasurable friction left the pair moaning and grunting.

Then their lips met, and hongjoong's tongue slid in to taste them. When he felt the heat build up in his lower abdomen, he pulled away to concentrate on the act. He stuck a few fingers into seonghwa's mouth and proceeded to stroke his aching member. The moment seonghwa came he felt his body tense up. He knotted inside the omega and ejaculated, filling him with a generous amount of seed. He released multiple times, and they watched the bulge in seonghwa's tummy, praying it would work this time.

Once the swelling went down, hongjoong checked. "Nothing leaked out!"

"Good...that's good."

Hongjoong wiped the sweat from his omega's tired face, and gave him food and water. Then they collapsed in the nest next to each other. Before seonghwa fell asleep, he felt a strange sensation in his belly.

When the sun rised they eagerly tested again.


"WE'RE HAVING PUPS!" The alpha exclaimed and they embraced each other. They were happy beyond words and didn't hesitate to share the news with their friends.

Throughout the pregnancy, seonghwa experienced a lot, both ups and downs, but hongjoong was by his side the whole time, protecting him. They talked to the bump everyday, and had come up with names for each pup way in advance. It was a surreal journey, a remarkable gift, to be able to create life, and they treasured every bit of it.

Months flew by, and soon seonghwa was ready to deliver. They had three beautiful pups, cradling in their parent's arms, cooing softly. They were  bound to be the best parents in the world.

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