pick me, alpha

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CW: omegaverse

*Alpha joong, omega hwa*

It was 4am. The airport was packed with people rushing to and from their flight - pushing trolleys stacked with luggages, some clinging onto their children who were half asleep. Families were reunited, and friends reconnected for the first time in forever.

These were the things seonghwa observed as he sat on a bench facing the door which his lover would walk out from. He looked at his watch. Hongjoong was late. Clutching the single rose in his hand, his leg began to shake involuntarily. Each time the door opened, he stood up eagerly, only to be left disappointed again. The pair had been separated for a week, a week only, though it felt like a month to them, since hongjoong rarely went on business trips.

Just as he felt the tingle in his nose, the door opened and a strong, familiar scent travelled towards him. Their eyes locked almost instantly, creating some sort of magnetic force that drove them closer and closer to each other until seonghwa could embrace hongjoong.

"I missed you so much, hwa."

"I missed you too...I uh brought you a flower," he said with a shy smile.

"Thank you baby."

They hugged for a few more seconds when a very obvious growling sound could be heard from hongjoong's tummy. "Oops. My bad."

"It's okay, you need to feed. I know plane food isn't your taste."

"Mmm...would be nice if I could taste you right now," hongjoong teased, sending hwa into flustered mode.

"Just go and buy something from the convenience store!" He ushered, helping hongjoong look after his belongings while waiting.

All of a sudden, he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around. It was an old friend from high school!

"Oh my gosh, yoon sung?"

"Yes!! You remember me? You're seonghwa right?"

"Of course I remember, we used to sit next to each other during math class."

They took turns asking the other about their current life and what they'd been up to after all those years. Seonghwa was so happy to have reunited with one of his high school friends, there was so much he wanted to catch up on with him.

"Are these your things or are you waiting for someone?" He asked seonghwa.

"Oh I'm waiting for my bo- be...best friend, and you?"

"Picking my sister up from vacation."

"Sweet. I didn't know you have a sister."

Yoon sung dropped the smile on his face. He stepped closer towards seonghwa and placed a firm hand on his shoulder, in an almost...rude way?

"Well now you know. You're pretty much her type actually. If you're still single, I could arrange-"

The firm pressure on seonghwa's shoulder was suddenly released and yoon sung's arm was thrown off by somebody. They looked to the side to see hongjoong standing there, one hand holding his food, and the other with his fist clenched.

"Don't touch him." He growled.

"Joong-ah, don't be mad, he's a friend of mine. Sorry yoon sung ah."

"It's fine. Your 'best friend' is very protective of you. So scary."

"Shut up." Hongjoong snapped, clearly agitated by the new guy. Seonghwa didn't want to start a fight, so he quickly got between them and whispered to hongjoong, "let's go."

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