self-care night (fluff)

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*seongjoong doing each other's skincare after a busy schedule*

'When God made hongjoong, he only gave him the stats of an entertainer,' Seonghwa once said.

The captain was always busy taking care of his 6 kids and composing songs for the group, hence he tends to forget to take care of himself. That's where seonghwa comes in. He takes care of hongjoong; making sure he gets enough rest everyday, has his meals on time, and stands up for him when the other members bully him.

Seonghwa is very thorough when it comes to cleaning. Not just cleaning up a mess, but washing away the stress from a long day of work, like taking a good shower.

His favourite thing to do for hongjoong was to help him with his skincare. Every week the captain will have a private spa session, no matter how tired he was, seonghwa would do it for him. Sometimes he even fell asleep while seonghwa was working his magic on his face, but when he would wake up, his skin would feel so soft and refreshed, making all of it worth it.

The group just came home from a busy schedule, and it was D-day of the week, spa session day.

Seonghwa noticed his partner looking a little run-down. When the bedroom door was closed, he gave him a comforting hug, saying; "are you okay joongie?"

"Y-yeah, just tired," he croaked.

"It's self-care night! Will you let me help you or do you want to sleep early?"

Hongjoong glanced at seonghwa who was eager for an answer. He knew that if he said no, seonghwa would probably cry, so he agreed to let him do his skincare that night.

They washed their hands and moved to seonghwa's vanity, facing each other. Frist step was to remove their makeup. The older poured some of the liquid on a cotton pad and gently circled it around hongjoong's face, making sure to reach every corner. Hongjoong did the same for him. Even without makeup, both boys were naturally gorgeous. Hongjoong with his long eyelashes that fluttered everytime he blinked, and seonghwa with his perfectly shaped lips that looked so kissable.

Then they went to the bathroom to cleanse their faces. They lathered the foam between their fingers and applied it on their face, before washing it off. They took a shower together, where seonghwa scrubbed his baby from head to toe. When they came out of the shower, the glass was foggy, and they both smelt so good.

They dried their hair and put on their robes, kissing on the way back to the room, knowing that it was gonna get a bit sticky in just a moment.

Hongjoong sat on the floor with his head resting on the bed, while seonghwa sat on the bed with his skincare products scattered around him. He gave hongjoong a few more kisses before opening the cap of the toner and applying it on his face. It made hongjoong's face all shiny and glossy, so cute.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Wear the headband," seonghwa suddenly remembered, and hongjoong did as he was told.

When his face was close to fully drying, seonghwa placed under eye patches on hongjoong's eye bags, and covered his eyes with cucumber eye pads. They were cold from the fridge, helping hongjoong to relax better.

"Mmm...that feels nice," hongjoong mumbled.

Seonghwa couldn't help but smile. He leaned over to kiss his lips, and hongjoong, having his eyes covered, just melted into it, letting his partner do whatever he wanted.

Using the extra serum in the pack of under eye patches, seonghwa glided a jade roller along hongjoong's jawline, from his chin out to his ear. He removed the products on his eyes and did the same motion under them. After about 10 minutes of rolling, he waited for everything absorb a little more. In the meantime, he did his own skincare, skipping over the eye products and going straight to moisturiser.

When seonghwa looked back at his baby, his eyes were already closed. He scooped some night cream into his palms and rubbed them together to warm it up. Then he applied it on hongjoong's face, pinching his cute nose to tease him.

"Hwa, I'm really sleepy...keep me awake."

"How can I do that?"

"Kiss kiss," the younger lifted his arms and made a grabbing motion with his hands.

Seonghwa moved to sit on the floor next to hongjoong, before giving him what he wanted. They made out, like crazy, hongjoong occasionally whispering little thank yous into seonghwa's mouth.

When the older pulled away he could see hongjoong's rosy cheeks puff up slightly and he was pouting his lips.

"Hang on, pretty boy."

He used a mini spatula to apply a lip mask product on hongjoong. He put more than he needed to because he wanted to do this...

"Kiss me, transfer some onto my lips," he instructed.

Hongjoong connected their lips eagerly, mouths slipping over each other sloppily as the lip mask spread onto seonghwa's lips. It was strawberry scented and tasted sweet. When his lips were fully coated, they parted for air.

The older carried the sleepy boy to bed, tucking him in before lying down next to him. Hongjoong immediately flipped onto his side to hug his arm, snuggling comfortably and breathing in his scent.



"Tomorrow, can joongie paint your nails for you?"

"Of course you can! I want pink and silver nails please. Maybe some glitter, and stickers, bow stickers, and cute patterns, maybe polka dots or maybe hearts! And...hongjoong?"

All he heard were faint snores from the sleeping boy.

But hongjoong kept his promise. In the morning, he became seonghwa's nail artist, painting his nails exactly the way he wanted, and seonghwa showed it off to everyone.

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