love language (fluff)

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Just seongjoong being cute and cuddly. Hwa cries tho. No smut/dirty stuff.

 No smut/dirty stuff

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"Tweet tweet!"
Seonghwa was awoken by the sound of birds chirping by the window.
"Mmm," he hummed as he stretched his arms, eyes adjusting to the lighting. "Baby what are you doing?" He questioned his boyfriend, who was looking at his phone with a serious expression.

Hongjoong shifted his attention to seonghwa, before giving him a quick kiss on the forehead. He turned his phone around to show what was on the screen. "Love language test?"

"A love language refers to the way that a person prefers to express love to and receive it from a partner. I thought it sounded pretty cool so I'm taking a quiz to find out what's mine," joong replied with a smile.

"Let me brush my teeth first, I wanna watch!" Seonghwa called as he hopped off the bed and made his way to the bathroom.

When he was done, he pounced onto the bed, cuddling with his teddy bear. He was content with just watching his boyfriend clicking the phone screen.

Soon after hongjoong pressed submit, a pop-up appeared: your love language is receiving gifts/acts of service!

"Uh I still don't get it," seonghwa said with a confused look.

"According to this test, my way of expressing love is by giving gifts, just like this teddy bear that I surprised you with on your birthday, and the shoes I reformed for you. On the other hand, the way I want to be loved is through acts of service. That means I like when you do things for me, could be helping me organise my closet and cooking for me."

Seonghwa was mesmerised by all this information. "Wow..that makes so much sense! Can I try too? I wanna know what mine is."

Hongjoong handed the phone over to seonghwa and they huddled together, the blonde haired boy resting his head against the others'.

"Look! My way of expressing love is by acts of service. It's the opposite of yours."

Hongjoong couldn't help but break into a huge smile, "no wonder we get along so well."

Seonghwa was about to read the rest when he suddenly paused. "What's wrong hwa?"

"The way I want to be loved is through words of affirmation..." He recited, almost as if disappointed?

"Yeah baby that's definitely yours. You're so sensitive when it comes to words it's adorable. I knew-"


Tears were streaming down seonghwa's face. Hongjoong was caught off guard but immediately began comforting him with soothing words and gentle pats on the back.

"Sorry, joong-ah I don't know wh-why I'm crying."

He just shushed him and continued to rock him back and forth, helping seonghwa to calm down and control his breathing.

Once he stopped hiccuping, he managed to explain:" Before I met you, I was just kinda hanging. I hated myself so much, and having no one tell me that I was important in their life just made it worst. I felt so alone, scared, and insignificant in this world..."

Hongjoong listened. He listened to everything hwa had to say. All his past fears and insecurities, he listened and took note of them. He always knew seonghwa was pretty emotional and sensitive, but he didn't know what had led him to become like that. He enjoyed showering hwa with so much love, not realising that hwa had taken every single word he'd said in the past to heart. He remembered everything that was said to him, the good and the bad.

"Seonghwa-ya." He finally said. "Do you know how much I love you? And I'm not just saying this because of what you just told me. I love you. Every part of you, from your eyes, your smile, the way your cheeks puff up when you chew your food, and the way our fingers intertwine, us, I love us."

Seonghwa started to cry again. In between loud sobs he uttered:" I really- lo-love you so-so muchhh."

He really did. Hongjoong was the biggest gift he could ever ask for.

"Thank you for being with me." Joong had to fight back the tears that threatened to fall.

Soon, seonghwa had fallen asleep, teddy in his arms, him in hongjoong's arms.

Hongjoong thought about what seonghwa said for a long long time. He also researched what to do for people with words of affirmation as their love language.

From then on he'd spend hours making thank you cards to give seonghwa on their dates and always look out for opportunities to praise his boyfriend. Seonghwa, too, never stopped caring for hongjoong. He'd save the best ingredients for hongjoong's meals and give him massages on his back after long days at work. They supported each other. Loved each other.

One morning, the couple woke up in bed as usual. Hongjoong turned on his side to face seonghwa, who was already staring at his lips. They closed the distance between their lips, breathing into each other, kissing passionately.

"Even the smell of your morning breath makes me happy," he remarked, a proud smile plastered across his face.

"Ew no Kim Hongjoong. I'll kiss you all you want but if you talk like that again I will-AAAAGHHHH!"

They broke into a tickle fight, hongjoong eventually winning as he pinned his boyfriend on the bed, kissing him till they lost track of time.

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