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Actor seonghwa is filming for a movie, he has to kiss a girl in one of the scenes, and hongjoong witnesses it on set.

*No definite positions*

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The couple was in the car on the way to the filming location, hands intertwined, heads resting on each other. Seonghwa knew that on this day, he'd have to kiss the female lead for the first time, and that gave him the jitters. But he had to remain professional. As a actor, he had to learn to adapt to any kind of situation he's put in to excel his role in the movie. Initially, hongjoong didn't wanna come to watch this scene being filmed. The thought of seonghwa kissing someone else made him feel uncomfortable. But his boyfriend was so nervous and worried about it, that he decided to come along and support him. They even practiced a few kisses the night before.

"Don't kiss her too deeply," hongjoong mumbled as he squeezed seonghwa's hand.

"I won't, my love. We'll get it done in one take. I'll give you way better kisses afterwards." The black haired boy teased.

When the car slowed to a stop, they alighted and proceeded to the set. It was at a park, under a large shady tree, where the lead actors would kiss. Seonghwa greeted the crew and went over to the styling room, leaving hongjoong to walk around the park while waiting. He texted hongjoong when they'd finish styling him.

"Oh my gosh, park seonghwa. You look like a kdrama boyfriend.
So so handsome."

"Well duh, that's what I'm portraying." He replied with a smile.

"Oh, they curled your hair." Hongjoong stepped closer. "I wish you'd dress up like this more often. This style fits you so well."

Before seonghwa could reply, the director called his name for a briefing. He kissed hongjoong one more time, then they parted ways.

"Andddd action!"

Hongjoong watched the scene unfold in front of him. His feet shifted ever so slightly as he took a peek at the female lead; a pretty looking, petite girl that had to tilt her head up a lot just to look at seonghwa. The leaves from the tree above them fell like snow as the breeze blew by, almost on cue. It sucked that the two actually looked really good together. Their dialogue was inaudible from where hongjoong was standing, but as soon as the actors stepped towards each other, he knew what was coming.

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