not so innocent

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CW: hongjoong has a pussy

*Hwa is top, joong is bottom*

It was hongjoong's 21st birthday, and the members held a party for him at the studio.

"Happy birthday hongjoong! This is for you," wooyoung said, handing the birthday boy a rectangular shaped present wrapped in rainbow wrapping paper.

"Thank you, wooyoung." He replied, ruffling the younger's hair.

With a sneaky smile, wooyoung added, "make sure to open that in private." He left without saying another word, and hongjoong wasn't quite sure what that meant. He would eventually find out.

The next morning, hongjoong began unwrapping his gifts. He received all sorts of things: headphones, skincare products, branded clothes, and some snacks. He read through the heartfelt letters written by his friends and family, texting a thank you note to them once he was done. The only gift he didn't open just yet, was wooyoung's.

"Hongjoong-ah, I'm going to the convenience store to get something. Do you want anything?" He heard seonghwa's voice at the doorway.

"No thanks. Be careful on your way, okay?"

"Yes mom," seonghwa joked, before closing the door to his and hongjoong's room. Now hongjoong was alone.

He reached for the rectangular present and ripped off the tape. After a bit of struggling, he pulled out a book from the wrapping paper.

"Jung wooyoung gave me a book. That boy..." He sighed. Hongjoong wasn't much of a reader, neither did he ever have the time to read casually, so of all things, he wasn't expecting to receive a book.

How bad could it be? Hongjoong thought to himself. Maybe this was a sign for him to pick up the habit of reading, take a break from staring at the computer screen all day. He took a moment to examine the book cover. It was pretty thick, which scared him a little, but upon reading the blurb on the back, he was relieved to find out that it was under the romance genre; the only genre he was actually interested in.

Typically, before you get a book from the store or the library, you'd do some research on the internet. Check the reviews, people's reaction to the ending, whether it's worth a read or not. Hongjoong didn't do any of that, he decided to dive straight in.

He drew the curtains to let the natural light in, before getting comfortable on the desk chair, the book sitting his lap.

Thirty minutes into the book and he found himself hooked to the story. Page after page, he flipped through, reading every line obediently and going through ten different emotions each chapter. The reason why he loved books with romance most was because he learned a lot from the characters. Both the mistakes they made and the good things they did, he'd keep them in mind and save them for his future relationships. As for now, it'd be his relationship with seonghwa. They were just starting out as a couple, so the whole affection part of dating was still new to them. Little did he know that this book would be his saviour.

Hongjoong locked himself in the room from dawn to dusk, absorbed in the friends to lovers trope between the main characters. When he didn't come out of the room for dinner, seonghwa just assumed he was working on his computer. "Hongjoong, I made fried rice. I know you're busy, but please have some." The older said from the other side of the door. He fought the urge to turn the doorknob.

"Okay, I will. Leave it on the table for me." Footsteps could be heard, followed by silence once again.

Another hour passed. Hongjoong was at the fifteenth chapter when he realised what wooyoung meant by 'open in private'. It was a smut scene. The 21 year old had never read smut in his life. He'd seen people kiss and do stuff on the internet, but never written out like this. Like any other person, he read it eagerly, his heart thumping faster against his ribcage, his body feeling hot all of a sudden.

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